Munson's Order Pick Up This Afternoon

As a reminder, Munson's orders will be ready for pick-up TODAY…

Hats Off to Reading Due Monday

Just a reminder that all Hats Off to Reading logs are due this…

Good Luck SJS Girls Varsity!!

Best of luck to the Saint James Girls Varsity Basketball team…

April Lunch Calendar

Attached is the April Lunch Calendar.  Copies are being sent…

Book/Art Club

The next SJS Book/Art club (for grades 1-3) will be held on April…

Bertucci's Dine-Out Today

Enjoy a delicious meal at Bertucci's while supporting our school!…

Bertucci's Dine-Out Today

Enjoy a delicious meal at Bertucci's while supporting our school!…

April HSA Newsletter

Please take a look at this month's HSA Newsletter (Click to…

No School Wednesday 3/29

As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow - Wednesday (3/29) …

Gala 2017 THANK YOU!

A huge Thank You to all the parents, staff, and friends who came…

Prospective Family Open House This Evening

Our annual evening Open House for prospective families will…

Easter Party RSVPs Due Tomorrow

If you would like to attend the Easter Party on April 1, please…

Last Call: SJS Soccer Sign Up

We are making tomorrow the LAST CALL for SJS soccer sign-ups…

Middle School Technology News

Dear SJS Parents, We have some exciting news to share with…

Attention 7th Grade Parents

Important:  We are still looking for additional 7th grade students…

Instrumental Music Monday

Please note, instrumental music students in grades 6 - 8 will…

Book/Art Club Pictures

Below please find pictures from yesterday's Book/Art Club which…

Congratulations K of C Spelling Bee Participants

Congratulations to SJS student Isabel Taclawan who took 1st place…

Reminder: Early Dismissal (12:05pm) Today & Tomorrow

A reminder that today (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday) are…

Reminder: Early Dismissal (12:05pm) Today & Tomorrow

A reminder that today (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday) are…