Robotics Club Cancelled For This Friday

Please note, there will be no Robotics Club this Friday. …

Last Call For Father/Daughter Dance RSVPS

Tomorrow morning is the last day to RSVP for this Saturday's…

Spring Concert Tomorrow

This Wednesday (5/7) is the annual Saint James School spring…

Grade 4 & 5 Band Lessons Tuesday

Mr. Corcoran would like to let the 4th & 5th grade band students…

Grade 4 & 5 Band Lessons Tuesday

Mr. Corcoran would like to let the 4th & 5th grade band students…

Reminder: Tuesday 5/6 12:05 Dismissal

Just a reminder for parents that tomorrow (5/6) is an early dismissal…

East Catholic Summer Sports Camps

East Catholic has released their 2014 Summer Sports Camps brochure. …

Art Show

Today our Pre-K through 8th grade classes each had a chance to…

Soccer Practice Cancelled For This Evening

Due to the weather, all SJS soccer practices have been cancelled…

Reminder: First Communion Rehearsals Tonight/Tomorrow Night

Just a reminder for parents and students making their first communion…

Art Show/Subway Dine Out Night - This Wednesday

Stop by the Hartford Road Subway restaurant for dinner (5:00pm…

Form For Students Who Take a Bus to a Daycare After School

If your child will take a bus from school to a day care in the…

Art Show & Ice Cream Social - April 30th

Attached below is the flyer for next Wednesday's Art Show and…

Art Show & Ice Cream Social - April 30th

Attached below is the flyer for next Wednesday's Art Show and…

Food Drive to Benefit MACC Tomorrow

Saint James School is accepting food donations tomorrow (canned…

Sports Banquet This Wednesday

Just a reminder that the SJS Sports Banquet is this Wednesday…

Lenten Collection Boxes

Just a reminder that students should now return their Lenten…

Father Daugher Dance - Saturday, May 10th

The annual Saint James School Father Daughter dance will be held…

SJS Soccer Spirit Wear

With soccer season underway, families are invited to show their…

Soccer Practice Today

Soccer practice will be held this afternoon at Charter Oak field…