Hot Lunch Program Important Note
Hot lunch account statements were sent home on Friday. All…
Dress Down, Crazy Socks & Hat Day - $1.00 Donation - May 30th
On May 30th students may dress down as well as wear crazy socks…
Dress Down, Crazy Socks & Hat Day - $1.00 Donation - May 30th
On May 30th students may dress down as well as wear crazy socks…
Field Day Date Change
Please note, Field Day will occur on June 10th for all grades…
4th Grade Walking Tour of Historic Manchester (Pictures)
Last week, the fourth grade classes enjoyed a walking tour of…
Important Notice Regarding Afternoon Pick-up Today
Just a reminder: CL&P will be digging up a small portion…
Saint James School Foundation Golf Tournament
On behalf of all the parents and faculty at Saint James School,…
International Day Pictures
Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on…
7th Grade Frog Dissection
This week, seventh grade students, with permission from their…
Final Box Tops Counting Tomorrow
Box Tops will be counted after school on Friday. The class…
HSA Meeting Cancelled
Please be advised, tonight's HSA meeting has been cancelled.…
Father Daughter Dance 2014
Thank you to all the parent volunteers who hosted the Father…
6th Grade Worm Dissection
Yesterday Saint James School 6th graders, with parents' permission,…
Tolland Carpool for Fall 2014
A new family joining us in the fall from Tolland is interested…
Spring Concert
Congratulations to all the performers at yesterday's daytime…
Paul's Paint/John Boyle Community Improvement Week
John Boyle Company (Formerly Paul's Paint), 615 Main Street in…
Paul's Paint/John Boyle Community Improvement Week
John Boyle Company (Formerly Paul's Paint), 615 Main Street in…
Reminder: SJS Foundation Golf Tournament/Dinner next Wednesday (5/14)
Just a reminder that the annual Saint James School Foundation…
Friday's Middle School Dance
This Friday there will be a Middle School Dance held at Assumption…
Friday's Middle School Dance
This Friday there will be a Middle School Dance held at Assumption…