SJS Parent/Student Handbook

The teachers and staff will be reviewing the parent/student handbook…

Instrumental Music Notice

On Friday, August 28th, all instrumental music students in grades…

Welcome Back Coffee & Danish - First Day of School

Please drop by and join us in the school Cafeteria on the first…

2015-2016 School Bus Routes

The 2015-2016 bus routes for St. James were posted on the town…

Extended Day Program

Please remember that Extended Day Registration Forms are now…

New Windows Installed!

Another round of new windows were installed at the school during…

Summer Hours

The school office will be open most weeks over the summer from…

Instrumental Music Note

Just a reminder that there will be lessons and band tomorrow,…

Reminder: Field Day Tomorrow Pre-k - 5th

A reminder that tomorrow is field day for grades Pre-K through…

Attention all SJS Cross Country Runners (grades 5-8)

Get ready for fall cross country at SJS with a couple of programs…

Field Day 2015

A huge Thank You to Mrs. Reilly for coordinating field day yesterday…

3rd and 6th Science Lab

Earlier in the week, the 6th grade and 3rd grade classes came…

12:05pm Dismissal Wednesday & Thursday

Just a reminder that we have half days (12:05pm dismissal) on…

12:05pm Dismissal Wednesday & Thursday

Just a reminder that we have half days (12:05pm dismissal) on…

Instrumental Music Notice

Lessons and band for grades 4 and 5 will meet Wednesday June…

Field Day

Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to bring items…

Middle School Field Day

Another huge Thank You to Mrs. Reilly for coordinating the Middle…

Reminder To Pick Up School Medications

A reminder to all parents/guardians, please remember to pick…

Field Day 2015

Field Day for students in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade…

Saint James Blue Wins JV Soccer Championship

Congratulations to the Saint James Blue soccer team for finishing…