Important Reminders from Mrs. Zorger
Please make sure you share this with anyone dropping off/picking up your student. We really need everyone adhering to the school policies to ensure the safety of ALL of families and students.
*All families/students should be using the crosswalks and crossing guards when crossing streets at arrival and dismissal. We are very fortunate to have these town-funded employees at our school to ensure students and parents are safe during high-traffic times of day.
*When using the Drop-and-Go line, do not pull away from the curb until you have checked all of your surroundings. Do not pull out when the crossing guard is in the street.
*Please ensure your student always exits the car onto the sidewalk (never into the street).
*Remember the school doors close and the tardy bell rings (for grades K-8) at 7:50am. Please ensure your student is on time. Tardy arrivals are disruptive to the morning classroom routine.
*And lastly, please make sure you are doing a health assessment on your student every day before they come to school. We need every parent to be extra vigilant and follow all the protocols in place to help us keep our community health and safe.
A HUGE Thank You to all our Saint James School families for helping us get of to such a great start to the new year!