Important Notice From Mrs. Zorger

October 4, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians of Saint James School Students,

This morning, the Manchester Police Department Traffic Supervisor came to school due to a safety concern brought to his attention regarding morning traffic and illegal parking.  He was alerted that many of the drivers coming to school in the morning and afternoon are not obeying the traffic signs posted.  Drivers are parking in “No Parking” areas, idling in crosswalks, and dropping their children off in intersections.

I have been advised by the Police Department and by the Traffic Engineer that our school’s parents need to obey the traffic laws.  Therefore, I am meeting with them next week and creating a plan that they are requiring for me to have all my families sign off on, acknowledging receipt and understanding of the procedures.

Parking and drop-off on Otis Street tends to be an issue with our drivers.  There is no parking on the East side of the street and there are No Parking signs there to remind drivers of this.  Cars cannot be parked or pulled over (this includes “jumping” out of the car to walk your child to the crosswalk or getting your child’s back pack on) from the “No Parking” sign to the intersection.  Drivers are parking there and creating significant safety issues for walkers in the crosswalk and for traffic turning off of Park Street onto Otis Street.

I would like to remind you that your BEST option is parking at St. James Church parking lot and walking your child up to school.  There is plenty of parking there and we have a crossing guard to assist crossing the intersection.

In front of the gym is only for morning drop-off.  We cannot have cars parked there at any time during drop-off or pick-up in the afternoon.

Please know that the safety of all Saint James children is our number one priority.  Your adherence to the posted signs and our communicated procedures is absolutely necessary.  If the person who is dropping off and picking up is a friend, relative, etc.  please make sure you inform them accordingly.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs. Zorger