Health Reminders From the Nurse

With cold and flu season upon us, we want to remind parents about our school policies with respect to illness.  These policies are in place to protect your child and help keep our school community healthy:

* Assess your child/ren for illness each day before school.  Students should remain home if they are not feeling well and parents should contact their child’s health care provider for advice;
* Check your child’s temperature if they complain of not feeling well.  If they have a fever (100.4 or higher), they cannot return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication;
* Complaints of sore throat or swollen glands should be followed up with your child’s health care provider before attending school;
* If a student has diarrhea or vomiting, they must wait 24 hours after vomiting/diarrhea ends before returning to school.

Remember during cold and flu season, you can help prevent illness through:
* Frequent hand washing;
* Ensuring your child is eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise and sleep