Drama Club Performance Tomorrow!

We are excited to share that tomorrow, the SJS Drama Club will be performing “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” during school hours for students and staff to enjoy.

A second performance will be held tomorrow evening – at Cheney Hall – for families and friends of the performers.  All are welcome and there is no charge, but all SJS students must be accompanied by an adult.  If you plan to attend, please do a quick RSVP using this link so we can plan accordingly:  https://www.cheneyhall.org/sjs

Doors open at 5:30pm, performance will begin at 6:00pm.

Performers, please remember tonight’s dress rehearsal will be at Cheney Hall (177 Hartford Road, Manchester).  Please arrive (in costume items from home) between 4:00pm – 4:30pm.  Additional costume pieces will be given to actors when they arrive, where applicable.