Chromebook Insurance & Other Info (Grades 3-8)
This year, every SJS student in grades 3 – 8 will be given a Chromebook to use in class/at home. Chromebooks will come in a padded case that has a carrying strap. This means students do NOT need to come to school with a Neoprene Chromebook Carrying Case (on the supply list for grades 6-8).
Attached below you will find the Chromebook Care & Insurance information for Saint James School. We strongly recommend that parents of students in grades 3 – 8 take the $40 insurance for all students receiving a Chromebook.
The Signed insurance form should be brought to the school when you come to pick up your students items/drop off their supplies on September 2nd or 3rd (sign up sheets will be sent out next week).
Chromebook Care & Insurance 2020-2021
Please note, 6th grade students also no NOT need the DRAWSTRING bag this year as they will not be switching classes.