Christmas Wreath Sale

Decorate your homes early for the holiday season!  The HSA is running its annual wreath sale.  Please consider purchasing wreaths through our fundraiser.  Once your order is placed, we will send home your redeemable coupon(s) with your child.  You can pick up your wreaths as early as November 20th at Botticello Farms (209 Hillstown Rd, Manchester).  Orders must be placed no later than Friday, December 14th.  (Coupons must be redeemed by December 18th.)

Wreaths are available in 3 ring sizes. Choose from plain, with a bow, or a fully decorated wreath. The popular kissing balls are also available!

Remember, the earlier you place your order – the sooner you will receive your coupons.

To place an order, please complete the order form (found here) and send it to school with payment of exact cash or checks payable to Saint James School.  Return orders & payment to the school office in an envelope marked “HSA Christmas Wreath Sale.” Any questions, contact Jackie Smith,

See the photos below (click to enlarge) for samples of “decorated” wreaths.