Cherrydale Fall Fundraiser
All students (PreK-Grade 8) should have received a Fall Fundraiser packet on Friday from Cherrydale Fundraising. This catalog-based fundraiser offers a wide-range of items including wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets, home decor, candles, cookies, cakes, and candy — there is something for everyone!
Sales can be made in person using the order form from the packet or online at At the end of the fundraiser, students will earn prizes based on the total number of items sold. In addition, throughout the sale, there are 3 chances to earn extra incentives. Turn-in dates for “Forest Friends” incentives are:
Friday, September 8
Friday, September 15
Friday, September 22
Please return all order forms (top two copies ONLY) and payment no later than Friday, September 22. Checks should be payable to “St. James School” and we ask that you write your child’s name on the memo line of the check.
This fundraiser is one of our most successful of the year and we appreciate your participation! If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email our school’s fundraising Chair, Kate Davis, at