Custodial/Maintenance Position @ SJS
We are still looking to fill this position! Please help us spread the word if you know anyone that may be interested! Also, you can share this post on Facebook by clicking HERE.
We are still looking to fill this position! Please help us spread the word if you know anyone that may be interested! Also, you can share this post on Facebook by clicking HERE.
To thank our students for a great start to the school year especially with the unusual heat and humidity these past few days, Mrs. Zorger would like to treat all SJS Pre-K through Grade 8 students to a nice cold Popsicle tomorrow around mid-morning/before dismissal. The nurse is ensuring all teachers are aware of allergies, but if you have any concerns about your child having a Popsicle, please do not hesitate to email their homeroom teacher this evening or early tomorrow.
Saint James School will have a 12:05pm dismissal again tomorrow (Friday, 9/8).
For students registered to use the extended day program, aftercare WILL be in session again tomorrow (there is air conditioning in the cafeteria). For K-8 students, NO hot lunch will be served at school so students going to aftercare will need to bring a lunch from home. (As a reminder, Pre-K students ALWAYS bring lunch from home, even on early dismissal days).
For students that take the bus home, buses WILL run again at the early dismissal time (12:05pm) on Friday. Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you need to make a change in the normal routine.
We are looking forward to cooler classrooms next week!
Tomorrow – Friday, 9/8 – is the first “Ticket Turn-In Day” for the Cherrydale Fundraiser. Students participating in the fundraiser should bring any applicable tickets (signed by the parent/guardian) to school tomorrow in a baggie or envelope. Please be sure to label that with your child’s name.
Students will be called to the SJS office by homeroom after morning announcements tomorrow to pick up their “Dawgz.” (All the additional prizes that are part of this fundraiser come to SJS AFTER the fundraiser ends and will be sent home with students at that time). Here is a fun video about the Cherrydale fundraiser prizes:
As a reminder to our Grade 3 – 8 parents, Chromebook insurance forms are due to your child’s homeroom teacher by next Friday, September 15th. Late forms will NOT be accepted after that date.
* If your child will be purchasing hot lunch or milk this year, please remember to fund their Hot Lunch Account. If you need information on this, please reach out to Mrs. Guenther or Mrs. Thornton in the office.
* A few families are still missing their 1st day paperwork. If you have not submitted these forms, please do so ASAP:
1) Signed Handbook Form: (grades K-8) or pre-kindergarten
2) Signed Technology Agreement (grades K-8)
3) Signed Chromebook Insurance Form (grades 3-8)
4) Blue Emergency Card
Thank you!
Due to the excessive heat, Saint James School will dismiss at 12:00pm tomorrow (Wednesday, 9/6) and Thursday (9/7).
For students registered to use the extended day program, aftercare WILL be in session on both days (there is air conditioning in the cafeteria). For K-8 students, NO hot lunch will be served at school tomorrow or Thursday so students going to aftercare on these days will need to bring a lunch from home.
For students that take the bus home, please note that school buses WILL run at the early dismissal time (12:00pm) tomorrow and Thursday. Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you need to make a change in the normal routine.
We will decide about Friday’s dismissal time later in the week.
There will NOT be cross country practice on Thursday.
All students in grades 5 – 8 that played in our band last year should bring their instruments to school tomorrow for the first day of Advanced Band Lessons.
For new students and students in grade 4 that are interested in joining the band this year, there will be an Instrumental Music Parent Meeting on Monday, September 11th at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria.
The cost for Hot Lunch at Saint James School for the 2023-2024 school year is as follows:
Grades K-6: $3.25;
Grades 7-8: $4.25
Please remember to add money to your student’s Hot Lunch Account if they will be purchasing lunch at school this year.
* You may add money to your child’s account online using the EZSchoolPay app (a $3.00 convenience fee will apply) or by sending in cash or a check to the school with your child (no fee). The check must be made out to “Manchester Hot Lunch Program” and please be sure envelopes are labeled with your child’s name.
To log into the EZSchoolPay app, you will need your child’s student ID. If you are unsure of their ID number, you may reach out to the Saint James School office. Please remember to select “Manchester Private Schools” as the district.
For students in Grades 5-8 who are FULLY REGISTERED to participate in Cross Country, please note the 1st practice begins on Tuesday, September 5th. Practices will typically be held right after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays but a schedule will be handed out in the days ahead. Please be parked outside the SJS gymnasium to pick up your runner by 3:30pm (please don’t buzz into the school – wait for your runner to come out).
Runners should bring their running shoes and a change of clothes to school on Tuesday morning. Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle packed as well.
We are excited for a great season!