Please Join Us: SJS Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers play a critical role here at Saint James School. Volunteers run many of our fundraising events, social events, and classroom parties. In addition, our sports coaches are all volunteers, many of our after-school activities are run by volunteers, our Saint James School Council (and related committees) are all volunteers, along with the Saint James School Foundation members.  Volunteers provide countless hours tutoring students and helping with marketing-related duties. In short, volunteers play a very important role here at Saint James School!!

As such, one of our important activities during Catholic Schools Week (January 29th – February 4th) is to show our appreciation to our volunteers for their “Service” to Saint James School. This will be done with a special recognition for volunteers during our 9:00am Mass on Monday, January 30th.

Please join us so that all the students of Saint James School can see the faces of the dedicated parents and family members who donate their time and talents to helping making Saint James School such a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow.

Volunteers able to attend are asked to please complete the following form (link below) by Friday, January 20th.



Last Call! HSA Barre to Cocoa Bar Event

4th Grade STEM Club

STEM Club will be held on Monday, January 23 for students in Grade 4.  If your child would like to attend, please complete the permission form below.  Space is limited but any student who is not accepted this month will have priority next time.

STEM Club Permission Slip 012323


Tomorrow: MAP Testing


Please note that SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will take the next round of our new MAP Adaptive Assessments first thing in the morning tomorrow – Wednesday, January 18th.


Please pay particular attention to ensuring your child/ren get to bed on time the evening before each testing day and that they have a nutritious breakfast each morning.  Also, it is important that students get to school on time each day as testing will begin right after morning announcements.

Any student coming in tardy on a testing day will have to wait in the office until the testing period is over and will have to make up that test at another time.

If you would like to read the original announcement about this new testing program that was implemented this year at schools throughout the Archdiocese, you may do so HERE.

Thank you.

Reminder: Book & Art Club

For students that registered for the 3rd & 4th grade Book & Art club that was supposed to be held in December, please remember that the new date is this Thursday, January 19th.


As a reminder for families that purchased tickets for Sunday’s UCONN basketball game and/or the game in February, tickets were sent home with students yesterday (Wednesday).  Please make sure you received them.

Also, please encourage your student to wear their 100th anniversary t-shirt (given out before Christmas break) to the game(s) to show their school spirit!

Ski/Snowboard Club Tomorrow (Friday)

We are hoping the weather will cooperate for tomorrow’s first outing for the SJS Ski & Snowboard Club.  It looks like the weather will clear in the afternoon, but please keep an eye on email in case plans do change and the mountain is unable to open.

For students/adults riding the bus to Mt. Southington, the gymnasium doors will be open at morning arrival for students to drop off their ski/snowboard equipment and bags with snowpants, helmets, gloves, etc.   Students will have an opportunity to change out of their uniform attire in the afternoon before boarding the bus.  Students will receive their lift tickets and rental agreements (where applicable) on the bus.  Please make sure your child has a note informing their teacher they will be going to ski club after school.

Also, please make sure you have reviewed the parent informational letter from Mr. Joyner that was emailed to parents of participants.

Middle School Youth Group

Ski & Snowboard Club Info

All parents with a child participating in this year’s SJS Ski & Snowboard Club should have received an email earlier today with information about our upcoming trips.  If you did not receive the email, you may reach out to Amy Guenther ( for another copy.  We are looking forward to a great season!

UCONN Tickets

For families that purchased tickets for Sunday’s UCONN basketball game or the game in February, tickets will be coming home with students tomorrow (Wednesday).

Please encourage your student to wear their 100th anniversary t-shirt (given out before Christmas break) to the game(s) to show their school spirit!