Tomorrow: 12:05pm Dismissal & NO AFTERCARE

As a reminder, there is no aftercare available tomorrow – Friday, December 15th – which is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  The office will also be closing at 12:05pm as faculty and staff will be heading offsite for our annual Christmas party.  Please be sure you have arrangements to pick up your child on time.  Thank you!

Tonight: HSA/Gala Meeting

The December HSA meeting will be held this evening –  Thursday, November 14th – at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria. We will be working on ideas and planning for our March Gala so we hope you will join us!

Last Call: Drama Club Lucky Ducks For Sale

The SJS Drama Club will be performing The Best Christmas Pageant Ever this coming Tuesday.  There are two performances – one for students & staff at 10:00am; one for family & friends that evening at Cheney Hall.  Families and friends are invited to purchase a Lucky Duck for their favorite performer using the form below.

Lucky Duck – Drama Club Good Luck Message

Last Call: UCONN Basketball Games

Last call to get tickets in our Saint James School section for the UConn basketball games on 1/28 (Men vs. Xavier) and 2/4 (Women vs. St. John).  There are only 11 tickets left for the men’s game and 23 for the women.   Remaining tickets will be opened to the public for purchase after this weekend.  We hope to see you there!!

Christmas Concert

Pie Pickup Tomorrow!

As a reminder, if you placed an order with our Grandma’s Gourmet Country Pies fundraiser, pick-up will take place outside the main school breezeway TOMORROW – Wednesday, December 13th – from 1:30pm – 2:30pm.  These are frozen pies so it’s important that you stop over and grab yours as we don’t have freezer space to store them overnight.

For families with students going to aftercare tomorrow, pies will be left in the cafeteria for you to take home.

If you have any questions please email SJS parent volunteer coordinator, Kelly Nazario, at

Thank you again for supporting Saint James School!


As a reminder, there is no aftercare available this Friday, December 15th – which is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  The office will also be closing at 12:05pm as faculty and staff will be heading offsite for our annual Christmas party.  Please be sure you have arrangements to pick up your child on time.  Thank you!

Christmas Concert Tomorrow!


Just a reminder that the annual SJS Christmas Concert will be held on December 13th featuring the Saint James School bands as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students.

A daytime concert will be held in the morning for students and staff (students wear regular school uniform attire for the daytime performance). The evening concert will begin at 6:30pm and is for parents and friends of the school.  All performers are expected to attend.

Performer Arrival Times & Attire for Evening Show

Band students should arrive at the school cafeteria between 6:00pm-6:15pm.  Evening concert attire for band students is a white dress shirt and black dress pants (or black skirt for girls – skirts must be knee length or longer).  Red bow ties and cummerbunds will be provided for the students to wear when they arrive.
4th Grade:
All 4th grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best” or “Holiday Best” (band students wear attire for band performers noted above). At the end of the concert teachers will bring students back to the gym for dismissal.

1st Grade:
All 1st grade students should arrive between 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best” or “Holiday Best.” At the end of the concert teachers will bring students back to the gym for dismissal.

Advent Wreath Lighting – Week 2

Basketball Notes

Congratulations to both JV Boys basketball teams and to our JV Girls basketball team on winning their first games of the season this past weekend!

The SJS Varsity Girls kick off their season at home tomorrow night at 6:00pm vs. St. Timothy, followed by the Varsity Boys vs. Emmanuel Christian at 7:00pm.  All families are welcome to come cheer on our Sabers!