A quick informational note for parents in our community:
Today SJS held our second lock-down drill of the ’23-’24 school year. As this was the second drill of the new school year, our K-8 classes were not given advanced notice (whereas all classes were prepared to expect the first one). These practice events are always announced as a “Lock-Down DRILL” over the intercom, indicating there is no cause for alarm but diligence is still required of everyone. Teachers and staff have different language they know to listen for in the event of a true emergency.
While lock-down drills are – unfortunately – a part of growing up in today’s world, they do afford teachers and students a formal opportunity to practice and discuss how to react should the need arise. We are very pleased to share that during today’s lock-down drill, students and staff reacted quickly so that everyone was in a secure “lock-down” state within seconds.
Each year, Saint James School works diligently with law enforcement and private security organizations to review our school’s safety procedures. This year we have contracted with a new security firm which, in conjunction with the Manchester Police Department, is working with us to fine-tune our current safety procedures.
The safety and well-being of every student entrusted to our care is at the forefront of everything we do here at SJS. We wanted to bring today’s drill to your attention so that you may have a timely conversation with your student(s) about how to react in an emergency situation should you deem appropriate.