Math Club Reminder

For 7th & 8th grade students participating in Math Club with Mrs. Paxi, please note the group will meet after school until 3:00pm on the following Mondays:  January 8, February 5, March 4, and April 15.

Reminder: Inclement Weather Policy

A reminder about our inclement weather policy as it looks like there may be some snow headed our way this weekend and next week:

2023-2024 Inclement Weather Policy

Please sign up for text and/or email alerts for both “Manchester Public Schools” and “Saint James School – Manchester.”  For your convenience, you can click HERE to sign up for alerts from NBC30 and/or HERE to sign up for alerts from WFSB Channel 3.

Please also make sure you have the SJS App downloaded and Notifications are turned on.

4th Grade STEM Club

There will be a session of STEM Club on Thursday, January 11, for students in Grade 4.  If your child would like to attend, please complete the permission form.

STEM Club Permission Slip 011124

Extra Curricular Activities Starting This Week!

As a reminder, Crazy 8s Club and Passport Club both begin this Thursday (1/4) after school and will run until 3:15pm.  Please remember to send in a note to your child’s teacher stating that your student will be staying after and for which club.  Please also indicate if your student will be picked up at 3:15pm or should go to aftercare.

Dismissal at 3:15pm for students being picked up will be in the standard dismissal parking lot (between the main school and pre-k building).  Any questions regarding Crazy 8s should be directed to Mrs. Nunes (; for Passport Club questions please contact Mr. Adams (

Ski Club begins on Friday, 1/5.  For students taking the bus to Mount Southington, all of their ski/snowboard gear, attire, change of clothes/shoes, and extra “stuff” can be stored in the gym entrance until the end of the day.  Mrs. Guenther will open the GYM DOORS at 7:25am on Friday morning for you/your student to begin dropping items off.  Please do not unload skis/boards in the “drop and go” area unless it is before 7:30am.  After 7:30am, please unload on Otis Street or Church Street.  A separate email will be sent by tomorrow to ski club families with additional details for Friday’s trip.

If your child is going on the bus to Mount Southington, please make sure they bring a note that they are attending Ski Club after school.

Reminder: January Calendars & Saber Stories

Below is the January Saber Stories Newsletter as well as the January Events Calendar and Lunch Menu.

SJS Calendar Page – January 2024

Saber Stories – January 2024

SJS Lunch Menu – January 2024

Please print the January calendar and keep it in a handy location to reference throughout the month.  Our SJS App also has events posted for handy reference.


The Golden Press

Congratulations to the SJS Newspaper Club on the publication of their first newspaper!  A copy will be coming home with students today – please be on the lookout for it. Great job Sabers!

Tomorrow: 11:00am Dismissal

Please remember that Friday’s dismissal will be at 11:00am.  We will have our buses at 11:00am on Friday and aftercare will be in session beginning at 11:00am.  Students going to aftercare will need a lunch from home.

SJS Annual State of the School Video

As you might recall, each year Saint James School puts together a “State of the School” presentation to talk about our school’s performance in critical areas and outline major initiatives. This year’s State of the School presentation can be viewed here at your convenience:

Friday: Red & Green SHIRT Day

On Friday, December 22nd, students are welcome to wear a Red, Green, or Christmas-themed SHIRT to school with their standard Friday uniform bottoms.  Please remember standard dress down guidelines from page 11 of the Parent Student Handbook apply.

Holiday Bowl Winners