Varsity Games @ SJS Tonight

The SJS varsity boys and girls basketball teams will play St. Mary on our home court this evening.  The girls play at 6:00pm; boys play at 7:15pm.  Our cheerleaders will also be cheering tonight.  All are welcome!

Concessions Help Needed

Saint James School will be hosting numerous JV Basketball Games this coming Saturday in our school gymnasium.  We are looking for parent volunteers to assist with selling concessions during the games (student volunteers may accompany the parent, but a parent must be present at the booth at all times).

Funds raised during concessions help support our basketball/athletics programs here at SJS so your help is greatly appreciated!

Please use THIS LINK to review the slots and sign up.  Questions can be directed to Mrs. McCarthy at

Tonight: Evening Activities Cancelled

Please note that Manchester has cancelled evening activities due to the impending weather.  This means that this evening’s activities for SJS (basketball) have also been cancelled.  Mr. Green will be coordinating with coaches on rescheduling tonight’s basketball games.

Last Call for Volunteers!

During the week of January 28th – February 3rd, Saint James School will join other Catholic Schools across the nation in celebration of Catholic Schools Week – A formal opportunity to recognize the importance, the value, and the contributions of Catholic education in our society.

Two quick reminders:

1. We are still in need of student volunteers to represent SJS at the CSW Masses:

2. SJS Parent Volunteers – please RSPV for our upcoming mass in your honor:

Please RSVP by the end of the day today for the items above!

Please refer to the flyer below for all the exciting things happening at SJS for Catholic Schools Week 2024 (click photo to enlarge or click HERE for the file!

It’s Time to RSVP: SJS Jingle Bell Ball

Join as we get back into the Christmas Spirit with an amazing night of food, fun, and festivities as we celebrate and support Saint James School.  Our school’s annual (adults-only) Gala & Auction Fundraiser is always a BLAST and space at the venue (Cheney Hall) is limited so be sure to get your RSVP in early!!  Invitations were sent home last week with students. If you need an extra copy, please email Amy Guenther (


If you would like to donate an item to the Auction portion of this year’s Gala, please reach out to Patricia McCarthy at OR send a copy of the completed Gala Auction Donation Form to the main office.  If you or someone you know would like to advertise their business (or send well wishes to your child’s class, etc.) advertising and sponsorship information can be found here: Gala Sponsorship Form

Hard copies of the Gala Donation and Sponsorship Forms will also be available in the SJS main office.



Classroom parents are currently collecting items/money for our 2024 class baskets, which will be raffled off as part of our Gala.  If you are not familiar with this portion of the Gala, feel free to click HERE to see some of the final baskets we were able to raffle off last year.

Raffle tickets will also be available for sale in advance of the Gala—please watch the email blast for details!  Basket items/money should be submitted to the classroom parent(s) by Thursday, February 15th so they may begin assembling the final product.  Please reach out to your child’s class parent or parent volunteer coordinator with questions.

Basket themes are as follows:

Pre-K:  Barbie


Grade 1: Foodie Basket

Grade 2: Book Nook

Grade 3: Pokemon & Gaming

Grade 4: Family Game Night

Grade 5: Teen Dream

Grade 6:  Spa Time

Grade 7: Gift Cards

Grade 8: Lottery/Scratch Tickets

Our Annual Gala & Auction is always our largest fundraiser of the year.  We thank you for any support you can provide!!



Free Throw Contest This Sunday!

Our local Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Basketball Free Throw Competition this coming Sunday, January 21st in the Saint James School Gymnasium. The competition is open to boys and girls ages 9 thru 14 and each competitor competes within their own age and gender group.  Registration begins at 12:30 and all contestants must be accompanied by a parent.  We hope to see many of our SJS students participating in this fun, annual competition!

Extra Curricular Activities Beginning Next Week

As a reminder, for students that sent in their RSVP, Collectors Club begins Monday (1/22) after school.  Students (not going to aftercare) should be picked up in our standard dismissal parking lot at 3:15pm.  Please be on time.

Also, for students in grades 1 & 2 that are registered for the program – Mad Science begins this coming Thursday (1/25).  Again, Students (not going to aftercare) should be picked up in our standard dismissal parking lot at 3:10pm.

Also, as a reminder our second ski club trip of the season is next Friday, 1/26.  Please make sure your student can locate their RFID Card from last week as this is required to be in their pocket when they get on the bus on Friday.

Prospective Family Open House Event

During Catholic School’s Week SJS will host an Open House for families considering our Kindergarten through 8th Grade program for the 2024-2025 school year.  If you know of anyone who may be considering Saint James School, please invite them to RSVP on our website.

Questions regarding admissions for next year may be directed to our Admissions & Advancement Director, Amy Guenther ( or via phone at 860.643.5088.  Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are already being accepted for NEW SJS students and many classes do have wait lists already.

For students currently in our Pre-K3 – 7th grade program, returning student registration forms will be emailed to you on February 1st (if you have a new student that you would like to join us next year and have not yet reached out to Mrs. Guenther, please do so ASAP).  Current students receive priority for registration from February 1st – February 23rd.

Thank you to everyone who has already liked, commented, and/or shared our Open House post on Facebook and Instagram…. If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to do so now by clicking HERE for Facebook and HERE for Instagram.  Thank you!

Last Call: Collectors Club (Gr. 5-8)

We are excited to share that parent volunteer Mr. Garcia has offered to take over hosting the Collectors Club, which was started last year for students interesting in collecting trading cards.  If your student is in grades 5 – 8 and would like to participate, please complete the form below and send it to the SJS main office with your student by tomorrow (Friday 1/19/24).

2024 collectors club permission slip


Reminder For Sacrament Preparation

Families with a student preparing to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion in May are required to attend the Family Sacrament Preparation days which will be on Sunday, January 21st and Sunday, May 5th, immediately following the 10am Mass at St. Bartholomew Church.  This applies to Catholic students in grade 2, and Catholic students in grades 3 – 8 who have not previously made these sacraments and wish to do so.  At least one parent is required to attend with their child.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.