Brother Al & Friends!

CSW Reminders

We are enjoying celebrating Catholic Schools Week this week!  As a reminder, tomorrow is the last day to bring in items for Little Sisters of the Poor.  Here are notes on the remainder of the week.  You can download the full CSW Schedule HERE.

On Wednesday (1/31)
All families are invited to join us as our girls and boys Varsity teams play St. Bridget at EAST CATHOLIC High School.  There is plenty of seating at the ECHS gymnasium so we are hoping to see many SJS faces at the game to cheer on the players!  Girls play at 6:00pm, followed by the boys at 7:15pm.  Our cheerleaders will also be cheering.  We hope to see lots of Saber fans there!

On Thursday (2/1)
Students may come to school with crazy hair (but no hair color please) and wear crazy hats and socks.  They should still wear their standard Thursday uniform with these fun accessories.

On Friday (2/2)
Blue & Gold Dress Down Day (or any color Saint James School Spiritwear t-shirts/sweatshirts may be worn).  Please note all standard dress down guidelines from the handbook apply.

CSW Mass

CSW Reminders

Tomorrow –  Tuesday (1/30)
K – 8 students and staff will attend Mass at Saint James Church.  All SJS parents/grandparents are welcome to join us – please sit in the back three pews as our students fill most of the church.  Mass begins at 9:00am.

Also, all students will receive a POPSICLE treat in the afternoon.  If you do NOT want your student to receive one, please email their teacher.


On Wednesday (1/31)
All families are invited to join us as our girls and boys Varsity teams play St. Bridget at EAST CATHOLIC High School.  There is plenty of seating at the ECHS gymnasium so we are hoping to see many SJS faces at the game to cheer on the players!  Girls play at 6:00pm, followed by the boys at 7:15pm.  Our cheerleaders will also be cheering.  We hope to see lots of Saber fans there!

On Thursday (2/1)
Students may come to school with crazy hair (but no hair color please) and wear crazy hats and socks.  They should still wear their standard Thursday uniform with these fun accessories.

On Friday (2/2)
Blue & Gold Dress Down Day (or any color Saint James School Spiritwear t-shirts/sweatshirts may be worn).  Please note all standard dress down guidelines from the handbook apply.

Box Tops Contest Update

Thank you to the parents who have been scanning Box Tops to help their child’s grade win a dress down day (while earning free money for SJS at the same time)!  Box Tops Dress Down Contest

Latest update is that Kindergarten is back in the lead, with 5th Grade & 8th Grade right behind.  With two full months left, there is still plenty of time for other grades to catch up!


Catholic Schools Week Collection

Thank you to everyone who brought in items today for the Little Sisters of the Poor! We will continue collecting items through Wednesday (1/31).

Pre-K: Baby Wipes
K: Pump Hand Soap
Gr. 1: Shampoo
Gr. 2: Boxes of Tissues
Gr. 3: Body Wash
Gr. 4: Mouth Wash
Gr. 5: Toilet Paper
Gr. 6: Lysol Spray
Gr. 7: Hand Lotion
Gr. 8: Body Lotion

Catholic Schools Week Reminders

This Weekend (1/27 & 1/28)
If you will be attending Mass this weekend, we would love for your student to wear their SJS uniform so our parishioners can see all the wonderful students they help support!

On Monday (1/29)
We will begin our collection for the Little Sisters of the Poor. The Little Sisters of the Poor are a congregation of Roman Catholic religious women who care for the elderly poor (regardless of faith) with dignity and compassion until God calls them home.   Students are asked to bring in the following items beginning Monday of next week:

Pre-K: Baby Wipes
K: Pump Hand Soap
Gr. 1: Shampoo
Gr. 2: Boxes of Tissues
Gr. 3: Body Wash
Gr. 4: Mouth Wash
Gr. 5: Toilet Paper
Gr. 6: Lysol Spray
Gr. 7: Hand Lotion
Gr. 8: Body Lotion

Health Reminders From the Nurse

With cold and flu season upon us, we want to remind parents about our school policies with respect to illness.  These policies are in place to protect your child and help keep our school community healthy:

* Assess your child/ren for illness each day before school.  Students should remain home if they are not feeling well and parents should contact their child’s health care provider for advice;
* Check your child’s temperature if they complain of not feeling well.  If they have a fever (100.4 or higher), they cannot return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication;
* Complaints of sore throat or swollen glands should be followed up with your child’s health care provider before attending school;
* If a student has diarrhea or vomiting, they must wait 24 hours after vomiting/diarrhea ends before returning to school.

Remember during cold and flu season, you can help prevent illness through:
* Frequent hand washing;
* Ensuring your child is eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise and sleep

Celebrating Catholic School’s Week!

We are excited to Celebrate Catholic Schools Week next week!  A few reminders to our parents for planning purposes:

This Weekend (1/27 & 1/28)
Thank you to the families that signed up to help at our Parish Masses this weekend.  We will be in touch shortly with additional information.  For all other SJS students attending Mass this weekend, feel free to wear your SJS uniform so our parishioners can see all the wonderful students they help support!

On Monday (1/29)
We will begin our collection for the Little Sisters of the Poor. The Little Sisters of the Poor are a congregation of Roman Catholic religious women who care for the elderly poor (regardless of faith) with dignity and compassion until God calls them home.   Students are asked to bring in the following items beginning Monday of next week:

Pre-K: Baby Wipes
K: Pump Hand Soap
Gr. 1: Shampoo
Gr. 2: Boxes of Tissues
Gr. 3: Body Wash
Gr. 4: Mouth Wash
Gr. 5: Toilet Paper
Gr. 6: Lysol Spray
Gr. 7: Hand Lotion
Gr. 8: Body Lotion

We will also host our Prospective Family Open House Event for families interested in joining our K-8 program for the upcoming school year.  If you know of anyone interested in attending, please have them reach out to Amy Guenther at to RSVP (RSVP is required).

On Tuesday (1/30)
K – 8 students and staff will attend Mass at Saint James Church.  All SJS parents/grandparents are welcome to join us – please sit in the back three pews as our students fill most of the church.  Mass begins at 9:00am.

Also, all students will receive a POPSICLE treat in the afternoon.  If you do NOT want your student to receive one, please email their teacher.

On Wednesday (1/31)
All families are invited to join us as our girls and boys Varsity teams play St. Bridget at EAST CATHOLIC High School.  There is plenty of seating at the ECHS gymnasium so we are hoping to see many SJS faces at the game to cheer on the players!  Girls play at 6:00pm, followed by the boys at 7:15pm.  Our cheerleaders will also be cheering.  We hope to see lots of Saber fans there!

On Thursday (2/1)
Students may come to school with crazy hair (but no hair color please) and wear crazy hats and socks.  They should still wear their standard Thursday uniform with these fun accessories.

On Friday (2/2)
Blue & Gold Dress Down Day (or any color Saint James School Spiritwear t-shirts/sweatshirts may be worn).  Please note all standard dress down guidelines from the handbook apply.

Thank You Deacon LaRocque & Deacon Ramon!