Instrumental Music Notes

All Beginning and Intermediate Band students will meet on Monday, May 15th.

Lessons and Band for students in grades 5 – 8 will take place on Tuesday, May 16th.

Our Spring concert will be held on Wednesday, May 17th  – during the day for students and staff and in the evening for family and friends.

Tomorrow: SJS Drama Club Presents…

The Saint James School Drama Club has been working very hard to prepare for their upcoming production of “How Do You Spell the Jones’?”  We would like to invite all SJS students and their parents/grandparents, etc. to join us at 6:30pm this Friday, May 12th to see this wonderful show.   There is no admission cost for the performance, however concessions will be sold.

Here are the details:

A mystery and mayhem story, fairy-tale style, with a modern twist! Chaos and unexpected turns baffle the two, very opposite, royal families, while at the center of it all lies a rabble-rousing group of kingdom dwellers, all being led by a trouble-making fortune teller.  And, just when you think you have it all figured out, the final scene will surprise you with an answer to the question of just where all of those tomatoes were coming from!

Leading this year’s Drama Club is 8th grade parent volunteer Mrs. Lola Gordon, who also wrote the play and has tailored it for our school!!

There will be two performances on Friday, May 12th, one for students and staff during school hours and a second performance at 6:30pm that everyone is welcome to attend.



Last Call: Woodland Gardens Spring Flower Fundraiser

Saint James School has teamed up with Woodland Gardens for a spring flower fundraiser for our school!

Once you place your order, you will receive vouchers home with your child.  Take your vouchers to Woodland Gardens and choose your plants.

If you do not receive your vouchers within a couple of days of placing your order or have questions, please contact HSA parent volunteer Jodi Talaga at 

Checks should be made payable to: Saint James School HSA.

Spring Flower Sale Flyer 2023


Soccer Spirit wear

Soccer spirit wear (and general spirit wear) orders are in and ready for pick-up.  Please stop by the SJS main office tomorrow morning at arrival if you would like to grab yours, or we will send it home with your student tomorrow.

Daddy/Daughter Dance Reminder

We are looking forward to the daddy/daughter dance this Saturday night! For those who will be attending, just a reminder:

Last names starting with A – M:  Please bring a pre-packaged stack to share;

Last names starting with N – Z:  Please bring a dessert to share

Tonight: HSA Meeting

There will be an HSA meeting this evening (Tuesday, 5/9) at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria.  All parents/grandparents are welcome to attend.

Instrumental Music Notice

Lessons and band for grades 5 – 8 will meet on Tuesday (5/9 and 5/16) for the next two weeks.  Please remember that all band students (as well as our 3rd graders) will be performing in the Spring Concert on Wednesday, May 17th at 9:00am and again at 6:30pm.

Child Lures Safety Program

Attention Grade 1 – 8 parents/guardians:  Please read the attached letter about a special safety program we share with our 1st – 8th grade students each year.  Teachers will notify you when the program will take place in their specific classroom.  Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions, or if you wish to opt your student out of the lesson.

Child Lures Safety Program

Reminder: MAP Testing Monday

As a reminder, SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will take the final round of MAP Adaptive Assessments first thing in the morning this coming Monday, May 8th.

It is important that students get to school on time testing will begin right after morning announcements.

For middle school students – please make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook charged on Monday Morning!

Teacher Appreciation Week

Next week Saint James School will celebrate and honor our awesome teachers during national teacher appreciation week (followed by our staff appreciation luncheon on May 18th).  Please consider having your student treat their teacher with a homemade card or drawing next week to thank them for all they do for our students and school!