Newspaper Club Resumes Thursday

As a reminder, the SJS Newspaper Club will resume this Thursday, February 8th.  The group will meet until 3:30pm.

Jingle Bell Ball Reminders!

Our Jingle Bell Ball is just over a month away!  If you or someone you know would like to advertise their business (or send well wishes to your child’s class, etc.) advertising and sponsorship information can be found here (deadline is this Friday!!): Gala Sponsorship Form

If you have an item you would like to donate to the live or silent auction, you can find that form here: Jingle Bell Ball Auction Donation

And, don’t forget – room parents are still taking donations for the class baskets to be raffled off.

All proceeds support Saint James School!!

Happy 100th Day of School

STEM Club Full

Please note the 2nd grade STEM club is full.

Free Soccer Clinic at ECHS (Ages 7-14)

The Girls Varsity Soccer Coach at East Catholic High School, Ken Goodale, is offering a free 6-week soccer clinic for students aged 7 – 14.  Please scan the QR code on the attached flyer if you would like additional details and to register.  Space is limited.  This is a great precursor to our upcoming soccer season (which beings in late March/early April).

Returning Family Registration Update

Please note that our new student management system is not quite ready yet, so we are looking at early next week to begin the process of registering for the Fall 2024.  As previously noted, the new system is going to be through FACTS (the same company that processes our tuition).  We are hoping to have everything ready early next week and will keep families posted.  As always, registration questions can be directed to Amy Guenther at or via phone at menu option 5.

CSW & Varsity Games Tonight @ ECHS

We are enjoying celebrating Catholic Schools Week this week!   You can download the full CSW Schedule HERE.

Tonight –  Wednesday (1/31)
All families are invited to join us as our girls and boys Varsity teams play St. Bridget at EAST CATHOLIC High School.  There is plenty of seating at the ECHS gymnasium so we are hoping to see many SJS faces at the game to cheer on the players!  Girls play at 6:00pm, followed by the boys at 7:15pm.  Our cheerleaders will also be cheering.  We hope to see lots of Saber fans there!

On Thursday (2/1)
Students may come to school with crazy hair (no hair color/dye please) and wear crazy hats and socks.  K – 8 students should still wear their standard Thursday uniform with these fun accessories.

On Friday (2/2)
Blue & Gold Dress Down Day (or any color Saint James School Spiritwear t-shirts/sweatshirts may be worn).  Please note all standard dress down guidelines from the handbook apply.

2nd Grade STEM Club

A session of STEM Club will be held on Thursday, February 8 for students in Grade 2.  Please complete the permission form if your child would like to attend.

STEM Club Permission Slip 020824

Middle School Dance Date Change

Please note that due to a scheduling conflict, the next middle school dance (originally on the calendar for Friday, March 8th) has been moved to Friday, March 15th.  The SJS App Calendar has been updated accordingly and will be on the updated March Calendar Page when we send that out towards the end of February.

Reminder: February Newsletter & Calendars

Below is the February Saber Stories Newsletter as well as the February Events Calendar and Lunch Menu.

SJS Calendar Page – February 2024

Saber Stories – February 2024

SJS Lunch Menu – February 2024

Please print the February calendar and keep it in a handy location to reference throughout the month.  Our SJS App also has events posted for quick reference.