Knights of Columbus State Spelling Bee

Veteran Recognition

Important Reminders

From the Nurse

Parents/guardians need to make arrangements to pick up all student medications from the nurse prior to the last day of school.  Students cannot bring medicines home themselves.

If your child has medication at school, please reach out to the Saint James School nurse, Mrs. Pennington, to schedule a pick-up time.

Also, medication authorization forms need to be renewed annually for each school year. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring medication and a completed and signed medication authorization form to the nurse when we return to school in late August. The most recent medication authorization form can be found on the school website under Forms/Docs.

Also, all students that will be entering Pre-K3, Pre-K4, Kindergarten, and 7th grade next year must have an updated health form – signed by the child’s pediatrician – on file before the 1st day of school.  Please reach out to Mrs. Pennington if you are unsure if your child is in compliance for Fall 2024.


Parish Affiliation Forms
Families with a student in grades K-8 looking to receive the “Catholic Parishioner” tuition rate (discount) for the upcoming school year must submit a current 2024-2025 Parish Affiliation Form by June 30th.  This form must be completed by the pastor and resubmitted to the school for each new year.  If you have questions on a submitted parish affiliation form or your tuition for next year, please reach out to out tuition manager (Denise Mayo) at or option 8 on the phone menu.


School Bus Transportation (K-8, Manchester residents)
If your student will be using school bus transportation for the upcoming school year, please complete our Bus Form by Friday, June 7th.  Details and a link to the online form can be found HERE (<—- click link).  Students must be re-registered for the bus for each year they will use it.


*Lunch Account Balances*
We currently have a number of SJS students with negative lunch account balances.  Please check your student’s account balance and bring that up to date.  Any positive balance will be carried over to the next school year, negative balances will be charged to the family’s FACTS account.


Library Books Due June 3rd
All SJS library books are due back to the school by Monday, June 3rd.  Families will be notified and charged for any missing books.





June Newsletter & Calendars

Below please find the June Saber Stories Newsletter, updated June Events Calendar, and the June Lunch Menu.

June 2024 Saber Stories

June 2024 Events Calendar

June 2024 Lunch Menu


June 6th – Field Day

Saint James School will host a fun-filled field day for all Kindergarten through 7th Grade students on Thursday, June 6th (rain date: June 7th). On this date, students should come to school in their SJS gym shorts, gym sneakers, and designated-color short sleeve T-shirt:

Kindergarten:  White
First Grade:  Red
Second Grade:  Orange
Third Grade:  Yellow
Fourth Grade:  Green
Fifth Grade:  Blue
Sixth Grade:  Purple
Seventh Grade:  Tie-Dye

Please be sure your student brings a refillable water bottle to school on field day!

No School Monday

Due Tuesday: SJS Mother/Son Event & Father/Son Event

We are excited to share that we had a couple of parent volunteers come forward to organize a mother/son event AND a father/son event for our SJS families to enjoy!!

Both events are open to boys that are currently part of the Saint James School Pre-K3 through 8th program and a special adult male/female (depending on the event) in their lives.

The events are as follows:

Father/Son Game Night
Friday, June 7th
6:00pm – 8:00pm
RSVP Required By 5/28 Using Form Below
Father Son Game Night Flyer

Mother/Son Picnic
Sunday, June 9th
12:00pm – 2:00pm
RSVP Required By 5/28 Using Form Below
Mother Son Picnic

Any questions, please email

8th Graders Apply Newton’s Laws to “Save The Egg”

Shirt Colors for Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow – Friday, May 24th, we are asking each grade of students to wear different color shirts (with gym shorts and sneakers) in honor of World Children’s Day.  If you would like to read the original post, please Click This Link.

Please remember, standard SJS (shirt) dress down guidelines apply – No crop tops, sleeveless tops, political slogans, etc.

PreK & K: White shirts;  1st: Gym shirts (field trip);  8th: Red shirts;  2nd & 7th: Orange shirts;  3rd: Yellow shirts;  4th: Green shirts;  5th: Blue shirts;   6th: Purple shirts

Lands’ End Memorial Day Sale

Lands’ End is offering 25% off uniform items from May 23rd – 27th (and 40% off everything else).  Use code: PLEDGE and pin: 9966 at checkout.

There will also be a penny logo sale coming in early summer which is often a good cost savings when ordering uniform shirts.  We will share that information when it is sent from our representative.