Spring Concert Wednesday & Art Show Next Monday

As a reminder, all three bands will perform in the Saint James School Spring Concert this coming Wednesday, May 15th, during the school day (for students/staff) and again at 6:30pm for families and friends. Attire for the evening concert for band students will be white collared shirts and black pants or long skirts.  All Saint James School 3rd grade students will also be performing in this concert with their recorders.  A notice regarding attire and arrival times for our 3rd graders was sent home with students.

The annual Saint James School Art Show, featuring works of art from our Pre-K3 through 8th grade students, will be held on Monday May 20th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Families are welcome to drop in anytime during those hours to explore the wide variety of projects students have worked on in their art classes this year.


Teacher Appreciation Week Thank You

Rosary Tomorrow

St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish members will be conducting a public rosary on the front lawn of St. James Church at noon tomorrow, Saturday, May 11.  Everyone is welcome to attend!  The prayers will be offered in support of Father Marcin’s trip to Fatima.

Last Call: Singers for Flag Day Ceremony

If your student is interested, please complete the form below by the end of the weekend.

Saint James School has been invited to host a group of students to sing at the Elks Flag Day ceremony on the evening of June 14th. If your child/ren would be interested in performing a couple of patriotic songs and has transportation to/from the event on the evening of June 14th, please fill out the Google Form below. Mrs. Schrager has volunteered to work with interested students during school hours to put together a short performance.

Please note, parents/guardians of participating students must be able to bring them to the Manchester Elks Lodge on Friday, June 14th for 6:00pm AND stay with them throughout the event.  The Elks Lodge will provide pizza and sandwiches for attending guests after the event.


Spelling Bee Congratulations!

2024 Gala Auction Fun

HSA Meeting Tonight

The May HSA meeting will be held this evening (Thursday, May 9th) at 6:00pm in the SJS cafeteria.  We hope to see you there!

Singers Wanted for Flag Day Ceremony

A HUGE congratulations to SJS 7th grader Ava Fiereck on winning the Americanism Essay contest sponsored by the Manchester Elks Lodge! This year’s theme was, “ What the Bill of Rights Means to Me.” Ava will be reading her essay at the Elks’ Flag Day Ceremony on June 14th along with one of her peers from Saint Bridget School.

Saint James School has also been invited to host a group of students to sing at the event. If your child/ren would be interested in performing a couple of patriotic songs and has transportation to/from the event on the evening of June 14th, please fill out the Google Form below. Mrs. Schrager has volunteered to work with interested students during school hours to put together a short performance.

Please note, parents/guardians of participating students must be able to bring them to the Manchester Elks Lodge on Friday, June 14th for 6:00pm AND stay with them throughout the event.  The Elks Lodge will provide pizza and sandwiches for attending guests after the event.


Last Call: Attention all Grade 7 & 8 Math Enthusiasts! 

We are so excited to announce a Mathcounts Math competition open for All Grade 7 and 8 students who are interested!  It is a great opportunity to show off their math skills!

The Mathcounts Math competition for 7th and 8th grades will be on Monday, May 13th. The competition will be held after school until 3:00pm. The 1st and 2nd place winners will receive Barnes and Noble gift cards!

Please use THIS LINK TO SIGN UP if your student would like to participate.  Registration deadline is May 8th.

Thank You SJS Families!