Drop Off & Pick Up Parking

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents to please adhere to the “NO PARKING” signs when dropping off in the morning and picking up children in the afternoon.  There should be no parking or dropping off in front of the 2 white houses across from the school (to the left and right of Otis Street) or any other area marked as no parking.

Also, if you are using the curbside drop-and-go in the morning (in front of the breezeway), you should not be getting out of your car.  The curbside drop-off is only for students who are ready to exit the car without assistance.  If your child needs assistance, please park in a legal curbside area or in the Saint James’ or Saint Mary’s church lots.

There is also to be no parking in front of the breezeway at pickup (between 1:00pm and 3:00pm) as noted on the signs.

Please know that the safety of all Saint James children is our number one priority.  Your adherence to the posted signs is greatly appreciated.  If the person who is dropping off and picking up is a friend, relative, etc.  please make sure you inform them accordingly; If that person is elderly, has trouble walking, or has several young children, please speak with Mrs. Kanute.

Drop Off & Pick Up Parking

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents to please adhere to the “NO PARKING” signs when dropping off in the morning and picking up children in the afternoon.  There should be no parking or dropping off in front of the 2 white houses across from the school (to the left and right of Otis Street) or any other area marked as no parking.

Also, if you are using the curbside drop-and-go in the morning (in front of the breezeway), you should not be getting out of your car.  The curbside drop-off is only for students who are ready to exit the car without assistance.  If your child needs assistance, please park in a legal curbside area or in the Saint James’ or Saint Mary’s church lots.

There is also to be no parking in front of the breezeway at pickup (between 1:00pm and 3:00pm) as noted on the signs.

Please know that the safety of all Saint James children is our number one priority.  Your adherence to the posted signs is greatly appreciated.  If the person who is dropping off and picking up is a friend, relative, etc.  please make sure you inform them accordingly; If that person is elderly, has trouble walking, or has several young children, please speak with Mrs. Kanute.

Attention Yesterday's Chaperones

If you received a parking ticket yesterday while you were on the school field trip to Plymouth, please call the downtown coordinator, Tana Parseliti at 860 645-2101 and your ticket will be waived.  The Church lot is considered a municipal lot and has a 2-hour parking limit.  Going forward, the town will be notified when there is a scheduled field trip so you may continue to park at the church without being ticketed.

Attention Yesterday’s Chaperones

If you received a parking ticket yesterday while you were on the school field trip to Plymouth, please call the downtown coordinator, Tana Parseliti at 860 645-2101 and your ticket will be waived.  The Church lot is considered a municipal lot and has a 2-hour parking limit.  Going forward, the town will be notified when there is a scheduled field trip so you may continue to park at the church without being ticketed.

Help Still Requested – Funding Cuts

Thank you to everyone who contacted their legislators in response to the cuts to state funded-transportation to and from schools.  The Archdiocese and Catholic School Advocacy Groups are still looking for our support since the cuts have still not been finalized.

The link below contains a prepared e-mail message for elected officials about the critical need to protect our busing services. The page will isolate the sender’s legislators’ e-mail addresses based on his/her zip code and home address. It should only take a minute to complete and send directly from the link.  Thank you for helping us preserve affordable Catholic education in the State of Connecticut.


You can read the original e-mail we sent HERE.

Thank you!

May Saber Stories

Please read the attached May Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Kanute.

Attention 8th Grade Parents

The attached notice was recently sent home with students regarding important dates and end of the year activities for our 8th grade students.

Grade 8 End of Year Info

State Budget Cuts To Impact Busing?

As you are aware, Connecticut faces some drastic budget cuts.  The budgets proposed by both Governor Malloy and the Democratic Legislative Leadership would cut all funds, approximately $28 million, that towns receive to defray the cost of transporting both public and private school students within their boundaries.  These cuts will eventually necessitate higher property taxes, since towns must provide school buses to transport both public and private school students.

The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference is very concerned that should these cuts be enacted it would include a provision that would relieve towns of the current requirement that they transport parochial school students within their community.  This, along with the property tax increases that will be necessary,could significantly impact Saint James School.

Safe and dependable transportation to our school is important to many parents. Catholic Schools save the state of $420 million, and our current line item for transportation is under $4 million for the entire state – great savings at a minimal cost.

Even if you don’t currently use the bus, please contact your legislators in order to urge them to reinstate funding for safe and reliable transportation. This proposal was already made and we need you to act today.  You can search for your local representative here (once searched, click their name for contact information)


Or, contact our state leaders:

Dannel Malloy

Sen. Martin Looney
President Pro Tempore

Rep. Brendan Sharkey
Speaker of the House

Aftercare Thank You

Ms. Jean would like to send a special thank you to all the parents who donated items for this past Friday’s recycle craft in honor of Earth Day.  The kids had a great time and made some wonderful creations!

April Saber Stories

Attached please find the April Saber Stories Newsletter.  Please take a few moments to read through this monthly newsletter from Mrs. Kanute at your convenience.

April 2016 Saber Stories