Field Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Friday, June 7th, Saint James School will hold a fun Field Day for students in grades K-7.

On Friday, students should come to school in their SJS gym shorts, gym sneakers, and designated-color short sleeve T-shirt:

Kindergarten:  White
First Grade:  Red
Second Grade:  Orange
Third Grade:  Yellow
Fourth Grade:  Green
Fifth Grade:  Blue
Sixth Grade:  Purple
Seventh Grade:  Tie-Dye

Please be sure your student brings a refillable water bottle to school tomorrow!

Flag Day Ceremony

The Elks Lodge in Manchester will be hosting a Flag Day Ceremony and Flag Retirement on June 14th.  SJS 7th grade student Ava Fiereck (along with Katelin Nimo from SBS) will read their winning Americanism Essays and a small choir of SJS & SBS students will be singing at the event.


Sunscreen at School

As per state regulations, please note the following regarding the use of sunscreen for students while at school:

1) Students under 6 years of age may not apply sunscreen while at school.

2) Students over the age of 6 must have written permission to apply sunscreen while at school (an email to the child’s teacher is sufficient).

Thank you!

Summer Programs at East Catholic

Empty Tissue Boxes Wanted

Ms. Jean is looking for empty rectangular tissue boxes to use for summer camp (not the cube ones).  If you have any to donate, please have your student bring them in to school or drop them at the SJS main office.  Thank you!

Instrumental Music Notes

Mr. Corcoran will hold lessons and band for his beginning band students on Tuesday June 4th and lessons for grades 5-7 on Wednesday June 5th. Summer lessons will start on Monday June 17th for those who have signed up with Mr. Corcoran.

Congratulations SJS JV Soccer

Congratulations to the SJS Cobalt JV Soccer team on taking 1st place in the CT Catholic Schools & Christian Academy Soccer League tournament this past weekend.

Knights of Columbus State Spelling Bee

Veteran Recognition

Important Reminders

From the Nurse

Parents/guardians need to make arrangements to pick up all student medications from the nurse prior to the last day of school.  Students cannot bring medicines home themselves.

If your child has medication at school, please reach out to the Saint James School nurse, Mrs. Pennington, to schedule a pick-up time.

Also, medication authorization forms need to be renewed annually for each school year. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring medication and a completed and signed medication authorization form to the nurse when we return to school in late August. The most recent medication authorization form can be found on the school website under Forms/Docs.

Also, all students that will be entering Pre-K3, Pre-K4, Kindergarten, and 7th grade next year must have an updated health form – signed by the child’s pediatrician – on file before the 1st day of school.  Please reach out to Mrs. Pennington if you are unsure if your child is in compliance for Fall 2024.


Parish Affiliation Forms
Families with a student in grades K-8 looking to receive the “Catholic Parishioner” tuition rate (discount) for the upcoming school year must submit a current 2024-2025 Parish Affiliation Form by June 30th.  This form must be completed by the pastor and resubmitted to the school for each new year.  If you have questions on a submitted parish affiliation form or your tuition for next year, please reach out to out tuition manager (Denise Mayo) at or option 8 on the phone menu.


School Bus Transportation (K-8, Manchester residents)
If your student will be using school bus transportation for the upcoming school year, please complete our Bus Form by Friday, June 7th.  Details and a link to the online form can be found HERE (<—- click link).  Students must be re-registered for the bus for each year they will use it.


*Lunch Account Balances*
We currently have a number of SJS students with negative lunch account balances.  Please check your student’s account balance and bring that up to date.  Any positive balance will be carried over to the next school year, negative balances will be charged to the family’s FACTS account.


Library Books Due June 3rd
All SJS library books are due back to the school by Monday, June 3rd.  Families will be notified and charged for any missing books.