Notice For Parents Regarding Afternoon Pickup

The following notice regarding afternoon pick-up has been sent home with all students.  Please be sure to read it in detail if you pick your child up at 2:00pm.  Thank you.

Dear Saint James School Parent,

It has been brought to our attention that dismissal of the “walkers” to the Saint James Church and Municipal Parking Lot is very chaotic and unsafe.  This situation creates a problem of safety for our teachers and children.  With this said, a solution needs to be developed and implemented.

The teachers and children walk down to the parking lot in a line, cross at the crossing guard, and enter the parking lot to be taken by their parents. Many parents, waiting for their children, are standing on the sidewalk, on the neighbor’s lawn, near the fence on the lawn, parking and standing on the street, and parking in Saint Mary’s Church parking lot.  Some of the parents, parked on St. James Street, have taken their children out of the line before it reaches the parking lot.  All of these scenarios are causing a very unsafe condition for your children!

Beginning on Tuesday, October 14, we will follow a safer and more controlled dismissal procedure:

  • All parents/guardians need to park in the Saint James Church-Municipal Parking lot to pick up your children.
  • Parents/guardians need to wait near your car or in the entrance of the parking lot for your child(ren).  This is the only “pick-up spot” for all the children.
  • Please no standing on the lawn, near the fence, on the sidewalk, or in the street near your parked car.
  • Please no parking in Saint Mary’s Church parking lot and walking your child across the street.  Their lot is owned by the church and is not a public parking place.
  • Please do not take your child out of the line, as it passes St. James Street.
  • If a parent is late and cannot get into the parking lot, please drive up to the school and wait for your child to be brought back to school with the staff.
  • Please consider, if you are a Manchester resident, to let your child(ren) ride the bus home each day.

There are approximately 125-150 children, each day, that walk to the parking lot and are picked up by parents/guardians.  We need to keep your children safe at all times.  We need all parents/guardians to follow this new dismissal procedure.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!




The Administration and Staff of Saint James School

Afternoon Pick-up Parking Reminder

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents about observing the posted no-parking signs when picking up students from the Pre-Kindergarten in the afternoon.  Specifically, there is a No Parking sign from the corner of Otis Street to just before the first driveway on Otis.  There is also a No Parking sign across from the school on Park Street.  Parking in these areas blocks the cross-walk area and makes it difficult for other drivers.  Thank you for helping us to keep everyone safe.







Letter Regarding FACTS Tuition Accounts

Please take a moment to review the attached letter (click link below) from Denise Mayo, the FACTS Tuition Manager for our school.  Thank you.

FACTS Customer ID Letter




Survey Thank You From Mrs. Kanute

Dear Parents, Guardians, & Students,

As the school year draws to a close, I wanted to again thank all the SJS families that participated in our school-wide survey a couple of months ago.  Your feedback is very important to us and we know that Saint James will continue to thrive with a solid collaborative effort between our families and the school.

The members of our accreditation steering committee, Father Cavanaugh, and I have spent a lot of time reviewing the survey responses in detail as well as reading each and every comment.  The steering committee also reviewed the feedback on a broader level with the teachers, staff, and school board – all of whom are actively engaged in the upcoming re-accreditation process.

As we reviewed the comments, there were several common “themes” that stood out to us.  Some of these items are now being addressed while others are more appropriate for long-range planning by the school board.  Presently, for example, we are working to secure funding to replace the breezeway roof this summer and we will be adding iPad technology in the upper grades (5th – 8th as a first phase) during the next school year.  Additionally, there were several comments about adding to our after-school activity offerings and I am looking for parents, grandparents, or others who may be interested in spearheading those efforts.  Suggestions included (but are not limited to) an art club, elementary-level running club, and choral group.  These items are just a few of the many items parents, guardians, and students commented on.  There are several others items that we will be continuing to brainstorm and work on over the summer.

As a reminder, our re-accreditation visiting team will be at Saint James School in October of 2015.  Over the course of the summer and next school year the administration, faculty, and staff will be working very hard to put together all the required documentation;  Your feedback is – and will continue to be – an essential part of our re-accreditation process.

Thank you again for your time and your commitment to making Saint James School the very best place for our students to grow and learn.



Patricia A. Kanute

Letter Regarding Skort Policy

The attached letter regarding the skort policy will be sent home with our female students today.

June 12 2014 Skort Uniform Letter



Overdue Balances

Mrs. Kanute has received notification that many families still owe balances for hot lunch.  This  impacts our school financially because Saint James is responsible for paying that money to the town.  Any family that still owes a balance on the last day of school (for hot lunch, lost library books, missing sports uniforms, etc.) will not receive their child(ren)’s report card(s) until their balance is paid.

Reminder: SJS Family Pasta Dinner RSVPs Due Tomorrow

Reminder: RSVPs for this event are due tomorrow.

Bring the whole family and join your friends from Saint James School on May 22nd from 6:00pm – 7:30pm in the school Cafeteria for a delicious Pasta Dinner from Olive Garden in Manchester.  The cost is $8 per person or $25 for a family of up to 5 people (whichever is less).  Please RSVP by Tuesday, May 20th using the form below.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Click Here For the Informational Flyer & RSVP Form



SJS Email Address Update

In an effort to better help you direct your communications and questions, we have implemented a new email address,  The  new “Main Office” email address will be checked by Mrs. Delsignore and should be used for admissions applications, registrations, all student record requests and absentee notifications.  Any personal and confidential information should be directed to the Main Office email address. will continue to be monitored by our Director of Advancement to help manage pre-registration inquiries, open house communications and general questions.  Please take a moment to note this new address for the Saint James School main office –


Tomorrow’s Memorial Service

Dear Saint James Parents, a memorial Mass will be held tomorrow – Friday, May 2 – at 10 a.m. at St. James Church for Matthew Cavallo the father of two of our students.  The two fifth grade classes as well as Mrs. Camposeo’s 3rd grade class (with parent’s permission) will be attending the Mass.  If any other parents would like their child(ren) to attend the memorial service, please send a note into school tomorrow.  Those students will be walked down to the Mass from the school by Mrs. Kanute.  The students can sit with their parents (if they will be attending) or with Mrs. Kanute.  Thank you.

Tomorrow's Memorial Service

Dear Saint James Parents, a memorial Mass will be held tomorrow – Friday, May 2 – at 10 a.m. at St. James Church for Matthew Cavallo the father of two of our students.  The two fifth grade classes as well as Mrs. Camposeo’s 3rd grade class (with parent’s permission) will be attending the Mass.  If any other parents would like their child(ren) to attend the memorial service, please send a note into school tomorrow.  Those students will be walked down to the Mass from the school by Mrs. Kanute.  The students can sit with their parents (if they will be attending) or with Mrs. Kanute.  Thank you.