Basketball Update & Spiritwear Reminder

There is a Parents’ meeting for any boys interested in playing Basketball this year (Grades 4-8) this coming Monday, October 15th at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria.  All boys basketball parents are strongly encouraged to attend, and players are welcome to attend as well.

The Parents’ meeting for girls interested in playing Basketball (Grades 4-8) will be held next Thursday, October 18th at 6:30pm.

Below is a summary of all Basketball Open Gym dates, Tryout dates, and Meeting Dates.  All dates have been added to the SJS Calendar:  Boys Basketball (only) can be viewed HERE;  Girls Basketball (only) can be viewed HERE.

SJS Basketball October 2018 Summary of Events

Basketball Spiritwear

Orders are due this coming Tuesday – October 16th!

Below please find the 2018-2019 Basketball Spiritwear Order Form.  Spiritwear is not mandatory for any player (although for 6th – 8th grade boys playing basketball, the coaches request that players purchase the reversible “practice jersey” if possible to use as a “pinny” during practice).  Boys & girls playing basketball may wear  the Warmup Pants, Practice Shorts, Performance Hoodie & 1/2 Zip “Warmup Top” to school on GYM Days.  Basketball spiritwear t-shirts cannot be worn in place of the Gray, short-sleeve gym shirt.

2018-19 Basketball Spiritwear Order Form


Also, as an FYI, general SJS spiritwear will be available for purchase shortly.

Choir Letter

Attention Choir Parents:  A letter from Mrs. Zorger will be coming home with our Choir students today.  Please look for the letter when you connect with your student this afternoon.

Student Volunteers For Ordination Mass

Mrs. Zorger will attend the Episcopal Ordination of The Most Reverend Juan Miguel Betancourt as the Titular Bishop of Curzola and Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph next Thursday, October 18th.

Saint James School has also received an invitation for three of our students to attend the Ordination Mass.  The attending SJS students will need transportation (from a parent/ grandparent, etc) to and from the Cathedral (in Hartford) and will need leave school at 1:00pm to arrive in time.  Once there, the students will sit in special reserved seating alongside Mrs. Zorger.

If your child is able to attend, please reach out to Mrs. Zorger at  There will also be open seating in the back of the Cathedral should parents/ grandparents transporting our students wish to attend.

Parking at Afternoon Pickup

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind you to please share with anyone picking up your children, the information detailed in her email from Tuesday (October 2nd) about parking.  We still have a number of people (mostly grandparents it seems) parking in areas clearly marked with street signs as “no parking” or “no parking between 1:00pm – 3:00pm.”  Please see the map below and pass this along to your spouse, friends, relatives, etc. that pickup at SJS and are not on the daily email group.  We thank you for helping keep our students, staff, and families safe during this very busy traffic period.  If you did not receive the email (sent from Mrs. Zorger on Tuesday morning) please check your SPAM folder.

Wickham Park Invitational Tomorrow

Best of luck to our grade 6 – 8 runners participating in tomorrow’s Wickham Park Invitational!  Runners should arrive at the park by 8:00am to stretch and walk the course. Boys’ race is at 9:00am, Girls’ race begins at at 9:25am.  Go Sabers!


Basketball Program Overview & Spiritwear


October Open Gym/Tryout Schedule
As a reminder, our first Open Gym will be held today (Friday) after school for 6th grade boys interested in playing Basketball this year.  The 2018-2019 Athletic Health Form must have been submitted to the SJS office in order for students to participate in Open Gyms – no exceptions.

Below is a summary of all Basketball Open Gym dates, Tryout dates, and Meeting Dates.  All dates have now been added to the SJS Calendar:  Boys Basketball (only) can be viewed HERE;  Girls Basketball (only) can be viewed HERE.

SJS Basketball October 2018 Summary of Events

Basketball Spiritwear
Below please find the 2018-2019 Basketball Spiritwear Order Form.  Orders are due to the SJS office by Tuesday, October 16th.  For 6th – 8th grade boys playing basketball, the coaches request that players purchase the reversible “practice jersey” to use as a “pinny” during practice.

2018-19 Basketball Spiritwear Order Form

Basketball Fees & Other Information
After tryouts have concluded, players will receive a letter from the coaches with their team assignment.  At that point, players will be asked to submit their basketball fee, a permission slip, and a signed character contract to the office before the first practice (these documents will be provided to the students with their team assignment letter).

Fees will be as follows:

4th & 5th grade boys Saturday program – $60 per player;
Boys & Girls JV programs – $75 per player;
Boys & Girls Varsity programs – $90 per player.

Please review Page 8 of the Parent/Student Handbook to review the Extra Curricular Policies for students and parents.  Once a student has signed up to play, there will be no refunds of fees for students unable to play due to grades, conduct violations, etc.

Thank You!


A Huge Thank You to Mrs. Toomey for organizing the Middle School event at Jump Off in Manchester on Tuesday evening!  Despite the crazy weather, there was a great turn out and the kids had a ton of fun.


Save the Date: Trunk or Treat!

The HSA will be hosting a Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event on Saturday, October 27 from 2:00-3:00pm in the school parking lot.  Additional details and information on how to sign up will be coming home soon!

HSA Meeting Tomorrow Morning

The October HSA morning meeting will be held tomorrow (10/5) at 8am in the lower church hall.  There is lots to plan for upcoming events!  We strongly encourage you to attend and thank you for your participation!

October Newsletters

Please read the October Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger for important notes and reminders.

October Saber Stories

Please also review the October HSA Newsletter to learn about upcoming events, meetings, and school fundraisers.

Oct 2018 HSA Happenings