SJS Office Closed Wednesday & Thursday

Please be advised the SJS Main Office will be closed this coming Wednesday and Thursday due to the waxing and cleaning of the first floor hallway and main office area.  The office will reopen on Friday (7/27).

Also, thank you to everyone who volunteered to help with the Uniform Closet.  We are no longer in need of volunteers for that task.

Help Wanted

** We are in need of a new CHURCH LIASON to help coordinate our School Masses each month.  Mrs. Herr will continue for the 2018-2019 school year, but we are looking for a parent with a younger student to shadow her this year to ensure a seamless transition for Fall 2019.

** Feedback from the HSA Surveys indicated that middle school parents would like to see more social events focused on middle school students (a bowling night, etc).  Therefore, we are also looking for a few MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS who would be interested in coordinating two middle school events this school year.

** We are hoping to start a CHEERLEADING squad at the school and are in need of parent helpers.  Practice would be after school and students would cheer at basketball games primarily during weekday evenings.

If you are interested in helping with any the above, please contact Mrs. Zorger via e-mail or by calling the school.  Please note, we are all set with uniform closet help.

Shopping on Amazon Prime Day?


Amazon Prime Day 2018 is the biggest Amazon shopping day of the year outside of Black Friday, and it’s just around the corner.  Amazon has confirmed that Prime Day 2018 will run for thirty six hours, from 3pm EST on Monday, July 16 to Tuesday, July 17.

Please remember to use the link when logging in and 0.5% of your purchase price will be donated to Saint James School!

For information, please click HERE.  Happy Shopping!

2018 Annual Fund Update

Thank you to all the Saint James School families, alumni, past parents, staff, parishioners, and other friends of the school who have already donated to our 2018 Annual Fund Campaign!!  We had numerous donations come in during these first few weeks and we are very appreciative of the support towards achieving our goal.  We are so grateful and inspired by the ongoing generosity of the Saint James Community!!

Donations to our Annual Fund Campaign are instrumental in supporting the ongoing capital improvement projects at the school (these projects are not covered by tuition funds or supported by the SJS Foundation so your support is key).  Annual Fund dollars, as well as several generous bequests, have helped support the replacement of the school’s new roofs and windows over the past several years, along with other capital improvement projects.

Donations to the 2018 Annual Fund will go towards offsetting the cost of replacing the roof on the school’s gymnasium/cafeteria wing.

An update on the 2018 Annual Fund can be found HERE.

Thank you again to everyone who supported us at all giving levels!

Help Wanted:


A few housekeeping items from the office:

** We are hoping to start a CHEERLEADING squad at the school and are in need of a coach.

** We are in need of a new CHURCH LIASON to help coordinate our School Masses each month.  Mrs. Herr will continue for the 2018-2019 school year, but we are looking for a parent with a younger student to shadow her this year to ensure a seamless transition for Fall 2019.

** We are in need of a new CROSSING GUARD for in front of our school in the mornings (7:15am – 8:00am) – taking over for Mrs. Gulish.  This would be a paid position.

** We are in need of a few parent volunteers to help maintain the UNIFORM CLOSET throughout the coming school year.

If you are interested in helping with any of the above, please contact Mrs. Zorger via e-mail or by calling the school.

Medication Pick-up Reminder

Parents, if your child(ren) will not be attending the SJS Summer Program and has medications that stay with the school nurse and/or aftercare director, please be sure to pick them up by Friday.  As a reminder, students are NOT allowed to bring home medication. Also, all medication authorization forms need to be renewed annually for each school year.   Please remember you will need to bring a new completed/signed medication authorization form to the nurse for the 2018-2019 school year.

SJS Uniform Updates and Reminders

We are making a few uniform changes for the 2018-2019 school year. When you order uniform items for next year, you will notice the SJS online stores for both Dennis and Lands End Uniforms have been updated to reflect these changes:

Gym Uniform – We are eliminating the White t-shirt option.  Please only purchase the Gray gym shirt going forward.

Middle School Dress Shirts – the White (boys) and Yellow (girls) oxford button-down shirts are being removed from our uniform dress code.  Going forward, only blue button-down oxfords may be worn in the middle school (this mainly applies to the winter uniform for boys as very few girls select the yellow oxford).

If your child currently has the items being discontinued from our uniform policy we will still allow them to be worn in the fall.  However, going forward please do not purchase any of these items as they will no longer be allowed after the 2018-2019 school year.

Socks & Shoes – Black socks have been added to the boys’ dress uniform.  Navy Mary-Jane shoes have been added for girls in grades K-5 (must be navy not other shades of blue).


If your child opts to color their hair over the summer, it must be returned to its natural color by the first day of school to comply with the dress code.  Also, mohawk-style hair is not permitted so if your child opts for this style over the summer, it will need to be returned to a traditional cut by the first day of school.

Thank you in advance for ensuring your child follows our school policies.  Here is a printable copy of the 2018-2019 dress code.

Land’s End Website  School Code: 900117540

Dennis Uniform School Code: WB00SJ

Letter from Archdiocese about ESAs

Please read the attached letter about ESA accounts.  This is an important topic for our Catholic schools and, as you will read in the letter, we were all hoping for a different outcome.

Letter from Bishops-Parishes 6-18

Thank You! HSA Events Raise over $48,000 for Our School!

If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to review the attached letter from the Home & School Association.

HSA Thank You Letter

IMPORTANT: 2018-2019 Calendar Change

Reminder from last week: Last Monday, the Manchester Board of Education made the decision to amend their originally published 2018-2019 school calendar and change the week of April vacation.  Since we follow the Manchester public school calendar, we need to change our week for April break as well.  The attached calendar reflects the change.  April vacation will now run Monday, April 15th – Monday, April 22nd (Good Friday is April 19 and Easter Monday, April 22).  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

New Calendar One Page 2018-2019 (Updated 6-14-18)