Meet the Teachers Nights

Tonight, September 19th, we will host our annual Meet the Teachers Night for Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade families beginning at 6:30pm.  Students are invited to attend with their parent(s) – siblings may also attend.  The Scholastic Book Fair opens at 6:00pm on this evening as well should you wish to browse prior to visiting the classrooms (all K – 5th Grade guests this evening will enter the school through the gym, Pre-K families may go right to the Pre-K).

Tomorrow evening, Wednesday, September 20th, we will host our Meet the Teachers Night for students in grades 6 – 8.  Parents of middle school students (grades 6 – 8) are asked to attend without their children.  Please report to your child’s homeroom at 6:30pm.  The Scholastic Book Fair opens at 6:00pm that evening as well should you wish to browse prior to 6:30pm.  (please enter the school through the gym).

Please note, 50% of book fair proceeds go towards purchasing new books for our school library and classrooms! 

We look forward to seeing you!


Cross Country Uniforms

Attention parents of our XC Runners:  Just a reminder about the XC uniforms – please wash them in cold water and hang them to dry.  Also, the uniforms need to be returned at the end of the season so please do not alter them in any way.  At the end of the season, please put them in a baggie with your child’s name and return them to Coach O’Neill.  There will be a $40 charge for uniforms that are not returned or uniforms not returned in the same condition they were given to you.

Dismissal Today & Book Fair

Please note, 2:05pm dismissal Today (through Thursday) will take place in the staff lot between the main school and the Pre-Kindergarten facility as the gym will be set up for the Scholastic Book fair.  Today, the book fair will be open until 2:30pm if you would like to stop in to shop after picking up your student.  You can also shop during the Meet the Teachers nights on Tuesday and Wednesday, or send your child/ren with CASH tomorrow to purchase on their own.

If you are unable to attend the Book Fair in person (children will all have an opportunity to visit with their class), you can visit our ONLINE Shopping link at 

Dismissal Today & Book Fair

Please note, 2:05pm dismissal Today (through Thursday) will take place in the staff lot between the main school and the Pre-Kindergarten facility as the gym will be set up for the Scholastic Book fair.  Today, the book fair will be open until 2:30pm if you would like to stop in to shop after picking up your student.  You can also shop during the Meet the Teachers nights on Tuesday and Wednesday, or send your child/ren with CASH tomorrow to purchase on their own.

If you are unable to attend the Book Fair in person (children will all have an opportunity to visit with their class), you can visit our ONLINE Shopping link at 

Dress Code Guidelines

Just a reminder to parents that the dress code at SJS also includes guidelines for hair.  Designs cut into hair, colored streaks/highlights, outlandish styles, and “mohawk-style” haircuts (long on top, shaved on sides) are not allowed.  Please note that just because you see a student with a questionable haircut, does not mean that it is acceptable – it has most likely already been addressed by administration.  All students need to be in compliance with the uniform policy.  Students will be given a consequence for disregard of the uniform policy, including hair.  To play it safe, if you are unsure if something is allowed, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  Thank you again for your support and understanding of our school’s policies.

HSA Meeting Tonight

The HSA will hold its first meeting of the new school year tonight (9/14) from 7:00-8:00pm in the school cafeteria.  We strongly encourage you to attend to learn about the HSA and to hear about what events are upcoming in the next few months.

When you arrive at the school, please ring the buzzer at the breezeway doors and then head downstairs to the cafeteria.

If you cannot attend in the evening, there will also be a meeting on Friday, Sept 15 from 9:30-10:30am in the lower church.  This will be a very informal meeting so please feel free to bring along small children.

Cherrydale Fundraiser

As a reminder, tomorrow is the second “Turn-In” incentive day for the Cherrydale Fundraiser.  Please refer to the packet that was sent home with your student(s) for details.

Morning Drop-Off

Please remember, students who are NOT using the BEFORE CARE program cannot be dropped off/enter the school prior to 7:30am.  Staff do not come down to monitor the students until 7:30am.  If your child enters our building prior to 7:30am, they must go down to Before Care and sign-in with Ms. Jean (extended day charges apply).  Thank you for your attention and understanding.

Tardy Reminder

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind parents of the importance of getting your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There were an excessive number of late arrivals this morning.

Please remember, late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:50am (to be in line with you class by the 7:55 bell), Mrs. Zorger asks that you please take a few moments today to talk to your child/ren about the importance of being punctual and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

Please remember it is our policy (as noted in the parent/student handbook) that 3 unexcused tardy arrivals will result in a detention.

Thank you again for your support of our school policies and procedures.

Parking Announcement

Mrs. Zorger would like to send a huge Thank You to everyone for adhering to the parking procedures for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.  Your cooperation helps ensure the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of our students/parents/staff.  One additional note:  Please DO NOT PARK in the grassy driveway near the vacant lot at the end of Park Street (on the side of the blue house by the Pre-K).  That driveway/area is for staff parking only.