Cheerleading For 4th Grade Girls

We have several 5th – 8th grade students interested in Cheerleading for SJS (thank you to the parents that filled out our form!).

We are now looking to see how many 4th grade girls would be interested and available to participate on the squad.   Fourth grade parents are asked to use the form below to let us know if your daughter would like to participate in Cheerleading for SJS and what their availability (right after school and on Saturdays) would be.

We also still need a few parent/grandparent volunteers who would be willing to assist the squad during after school practices and at games.  You don’t have to have a daughter on the squad to help (our volunteer cheer coach has a 1st grader).

SJS Cheerleading Interest Form

November Book & Art Club Update

Please note, the November 7th Book & Art club (for Grade 1 & 2) is Full.

There are still openings in the Grade 3 & 4 Book & Art Club that will be held on November 14th.

Book Art Club Permission Slip Nov 14th Gr 3 & 4


Band Notice

Students who participated in the Eastern Regional Band Concert should bring their instruments to school tomorrow for a special event with Mr. Corcoran.

Downtown Scarecrow Festival – We need your vote!

Show your SJS SPIRIT!! Our Scarecrow is up on Main Street!  Now, we need your help to win!  You can now vote for our scarecrow (Number 27 – “Mike & James”)  at the following locations:

Mary Cheney Library, 586 Main St.
Silk City Coffee, 763 Main St.
Beller’s Music, 881 Main St.
Silk City Antiques, 845 Main St.
Sean’s Fine Jewelry, 713 Main St.
EM Dougan Art and Framing, 1071 Main St.

Please encourage everyone in your family to cast a vote!

There is also a second competition for the scarecrow that gets the most likes on the Downtown Manchester Scarecrow Festival Facebook Page.  If you are on FB, please click the link below and give us a LIKE and Share!

Special thanks to Mrs. Piotrowski for spearheading this project for SJS and her team of 5th grade helpers including:  Dillon D., Alivia R.,  Nora O., Gabrielle P., Rocky H., Mason P., Alex M., Maddie D, Lenox C. and William P. Also special thanks to Mrs. Scalese for helping with the installation.

Last year our SJS Scarecrow took 1st place in the People’s Choice awards and 2nd place in the Facebook Favorites Competition…Go Sabers!

Early Dismissal Friday

As a reminder, Friday is an early dismissal day (12:05pm) for students not going home with a grandparent/special person.  If your child will be going to aftercare, please remember they will need a lunch from home as no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days.  Any middle school student going home with a grandparent/special person will need a note sent in that morning to the teacher.

Choir is ON For Tomorrow

We are pleased to announce that we have hired a new music teacher who will be starting with us tomorrow.   Mrs. Lindemann comes to us with prior teaching experience and an extensive music background.  She is looking forward to being part of Saint James School and will jump right in with running Choir practice tomorrow after school.  Please join us in welcoming her to the SJS family.

Help Us By Decorating your Trunk for Trunk or Treat

The HSA Trunk or Treat event is always a huge hit with our SJS students and families.  We are putting out a special request to all families to consider decorating a trunk (without decorated Trunks, it wouldn’t be a Trunk or Treat!). Right now, we have very few people who have committed to decorate a trunk…we need your help!

Trunk designs can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like…any decorations you choose will help ensure a festive event for all to enjoy! All families attending will be voting on trunk designs, and prizes (that even parents will enjoy!) will be awarded in several categories.

Please help up make the afternoon extra special by signing up to decorate your trunk. You can sign up for the event HERE.  If you have already signed-up but did not choose to decorate, you can change your response by sending an email to Lorin at Thank you for helping us make the day as fun as possible!

Girls Basketball

Girls in grade 4 will have an Open Gym tomorrow – Wednesday, October 24 – from 4:15 – 5:30pm.

In addition, there will be one last basketball tryout session for girls in grades 5 – 8 from 4:30pm – 6:30pm this coming Monday, October 29th.

Middle School Boys Basketball

Basketball Tryouts for Boys Varsity (7th & 8th Grade students only) will be held on Sunday, October 28th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm and again on Monday, October 29th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.

IMPORTANT: If your son is in 7th or 8th grade and plans to play basketball, please make every effort to have them at at least one Tryout (they must have in their sports form signed by their doctor).  If they are unable to make it to either, you must notify Mr. Green at by Monday afternoon so they can be added to a team and a uniform can be assigned.

Please note, students will receive their team information, the 2018-2019 Basketball registration form, and character contract to hand in (along with payment) once all rosters have been finalized by the coaches.




School Mass Thursday: No Gym Uniforms

There will be a school Mass this coming Thursday at 9:15am in observance of All Saints’ Day.  Our 1st – 8th grade students should wear their formal/winter uniform to school on Thursday for Mass.  SJS Parents/ Grandparents are welcome to attend Mass with us (please sit in the back few rows of the pews).