Student Early Dismissal Communication

At the request of our teachers, if your child is being dismissed early from school for an appointment, please try to send an email to the teacher the evening before or send a note to school with your student – particularly on the upper floor where students are switching classes. While we understand it is sometimes hard to get appointments outside of school time, it can be very disruptive to teaching time when students need to get into their desks/lockers to get their books to go home.  If the student/teacher are aware of the dismissal, they can be prepared ahead of time. Thank you for helping with this request.


Save the Date – Family Paint Night

The HSA is hosting its first ever SJS Family Paint Night!  Mark your calendars for Friday, January 25 and join in the fun of creating Valentine’s day themed paintings.  Additional details will be sent out after the holidays (If you are subscribed to the full SJS calendar, the event will automatically be updated on your calendar when it refreshes).

Morning Drop-off Reminder & Parking Lot Use

Morning drop-off seemed to be more efficient this morning, thank you for making the most of our available spaces!

When using the “Drop & Go” line to drop off your student(s) in the morning, please remember to pull all the way up in front of the school (just don’t block the crosswalk).  The goal is not to limit the drop-off area to just the 5 car lengths in front of the breezeway — we want to utilize the entire length of that curb if possible.

Parents may also utilize the parking lot between the main school and the Pre-K at morning drop-off.

Reconciliation Tomorrow

Catholic students in grades 3 – 8 will participate in reconciliation tomorrow at Saint James Church.  Please make sure they have warm coats and hats to walk down and back.

Tonight – Varsity Basketball Games at St. Bridget School

Tonight, the Girls Varsity and the Boys Varsity Gold basketball teams will play Corpus Christi AT Saint Bridget School.  The girls will play at 6:30pm and the boys will play at 7:30pm.  All are welcome to come cheer on our SJS players!

Christmas Store Tomorrow: Bring CASH

The SJS Christmas store will be held at Saint James School this coming Wednesday!  Students should have received home a form to fill out with who they will be shopping for.  Please return that list with your student and CASH on Wednesday.  Parent volunteers will be on hand to help the younger children.

2018 SJS Christmas Store Flyer

Outside Dismissal Tomorrow

Kindergarten – Grade 8 student pick-up at 2:05pm tomorrow, Wednesday 12/12, will be outside in the lot between the Pre-K and the main school (the gym will be in use for the Christmas store).

Varsity Basketball Games Tonight at SJS

Tonight our Girls Varsity and Boys Varsity Gold basketball teams will play cross-town rival St. Bridget at Saint James School.  The girls game begins at 6:30pm, followed by the boys at 7:30pm.  All SJS families and friends are welcome to come cheer on our school.

Last Day: SJS Spiritwear Fundraiser

Today is the last day to order Spirtwear!

Saint James School is offering an SJS Spiritwear fundraiser, with item delivery anticipated prior to Christmas break.  A portion of every item you purchase will go towards supporting our school.  Orders must be in by the end of the day this coming Monday (12/10).

Please use the link below to view and purchase items.  Please note, the small “SJS” logo on the golf shirts AND fleece jackets will be done in embroidery.  If you have any questions, please contact Amy Guenther at

The Navy Sweatshirt, Gray & Navy Sweatshirt, and Navy Sweatpants (only) can be worn in school on Gym days.

Pants Sizing:

Youth Pants

Adult Pants


SJS Pre-K Staff Change

At the end of the month, we will be saying goodbye to one of our beloved Pre-K teachers – Mrs. Mary Villano, who has decided to relocate to sunny Florida.  Taking over the 3-year-old program will be Mrs. Mary Holmes with Mrs. LaChance as her assistant.  A new add to the Pre-Kindergarten staff (as a teaching assistant) will be Mrs. Kate Davis.

Mrs. Davis has a degree in Child Studies and a Master’s degree in Reading & Language Arts.  She previously taught Kindergarten at St. Christopher school in East Hartford prior to taking some time off to raise her children over past several years.  Mrs. Davis, whose 3 children are enrolled at our school, has been actively involved with our Home & School Association for many years now.  We are excited to welcome her to our teaching staff!

While we are sad to say goodbye to Mrs. Villano, we know this relocation is something she has wanted to do for quite some time.  We wish her all the happiness in the world and look forward to staying in touch.