The Wall That Heals

Today our Pre-K3 through Grade 8 students and staff walked down to Main Street to welcome The Wall That Heals as it arrived in Manchester.  Over 150 motorcycles and a police escort were part of the patriotic procession. We are grateful for this educational opportunity and continue to pray for those that have served/continue to serve our Country.

MAP Testing Tomorrow

Please note that SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will take the Math MAP Adaptive Assessment first thing in the morning tomorrow – Tuesday, September 17th.  The final test (Language) will be on Thursday morning.

Please pay particular attention to ensuring your child/ren get to bed on time the evening before each testing day and that they have a nutritious breakfast each morning.  Also, it is important that students get to school on time each day as testing will begin right after morning announcements.

Any student coming in tardy on a testing day will have to wait in the office until the testing period is over and will have to make up that test at another time.

For middle school students – please make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook fully charged tomorrow!!

Wall That Heals

We are excited to share that SJS Pre-K through Grade 8 students will be walking to over to the church lawn tomorrow, late morning, to view/welcome the Wall That Heals procession as it passes by the church.

Important: Individual Pictures – Monday

As a reminder, individual student portraits will be taken this coming Monday, September 16th.  This is a dress down (or dress up!) day – please send your student to school on Monday in whatever attire you would like them to have their school picture taken in (must adhere to the school’s dress down guidelines on page number 11 in the 2024-2025 Parent Student Handbook**).

To order school pictures this year:

1) Send your picture order form (sent home with students last week) in to school with your child on picture day, or

2) Go ONLINE to and to set up your picture order (this must be done by Sunday evening).  Please use picture id: EVTDPD82H

Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 will also be taking their CLASS PICTURES on this day.


**Guidelines for dress down days include:

  • Undergarments must not be visible above, below, or through the clothing.
  • No makeup or hair color
  • Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures, inappropriate slogans or advertisements.
  • Revealing clothing (including short shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops) is not allowed.
  • Leggings are allowed provided a top is worn that falls to the top of the thighs or lower.
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, open-toe sandals, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.

Tonight: SJS Girl Scouts – Grades K-5

There will be an informational meeting this evening, Friday, 9/13, (see flyer for times) for any SJS Kindergarten – Grade 5 girls (and their parent/guardian) to learn more about our school’s Girl Scout Troop.  The troop is run by one of our wonderful parent volunteers and there are many other awesome SJS moms that help!  Please see This Flyer or the picture below for details:

Chromebook Insurance Forms Due Monday

As a reminder to our Grade 3 – 8 parents, Chromebook insurance forms are due to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, September 16th.  Many families turned their forms in at the meet-the-teachers/supply drop off event, but if you did not, please note that late forms will NOT be accepted after Monday.

2024-2025 Chromebook Care and Insurance Packet

From the HSA

Thank you to everyone who came out last night for our first Home & School Association meeting!!  We are so grateful for the numerous volunteers who help with events that bring our community together outside of school hours, create lasting memories for our students, and support our children’s teachers.

Please remember, any parents (or grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.) that wish to volunteer in any capacity (field trips, classroom parties, school events) must first have completed a background check and Virtus training.  Please review that information here:

If you did not make the meeting last night or did not have the opportunity to sign up to help, please do so by opening our 2024-2025 HSA Volunteer Sign Up sheet.

Thank you for any support you can give – time, talent, or treasure – to our great school!!

Last Call: Wall That Heals (Grade 6 – 8)

Next week Manchester will be welcoming The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and mobile Education Center.

Our Middle School History Teacher (Mr. Adams) and Assistant Principal (Mrs. Mitchell) have put together an opportunity for SJS students in grades 6 – 8 to walk down to The Wall on September 19th to enjoy a special educational program.  The group will leave from Saint James School immediately following dismissal (2:00pm) and we anticipate they will return to the school about 3:45pm.

This educational opportunity is limited to 25 students.  Please RSVP your student using THIS FORM by Sunday.

If your child will be attending, you will also need the complete THIS PERMISSION SLIP and send it to school on Monday.

1st HSA Meeting Tonight: Please Join Us

The SJS Home & School Association (similar to a PTA/PTO) will hold its first meeting of the new school year THIS Evening – Thursday, September 12th – from 6:00-7:00pm in the school cafeteria. We strongly encourage all Pre-K through Grade 8 parents to attend to learn about ways to get involved in our school community and get information about events that will be upcoming in the next few months.

When you arrive at the school, please ring the buzzer at the breezeway doors and then head downstairs to the cafeteria for the meeting.

Any questions can be directed to our HSA President, parent volunteer Patricia McCarthy, at

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cross Country Reminder

The SJS Cross Country team will be practicing tomorrow (Friday) after school.