Sacrament Preparation Dates

For Saint James School students who will be completing the sacraments of 1st reconciliation and 1st communion this school year*, please mark your calendar for the following dates:

Sacrament Preparation Orientation
Sunday, September 29th

Sacrament Preparation Family Days
Sunday, January 26th AND Sunday, May 4th

On all three dates listed above, families should attend the 10:00am Mass at St. Bartholomew Church and the informational meeting immediately thereafter.

Sacrament Preparation Retreat
Saturday, February 8th 
St. Bartholomew Church


* Grade 2 Catholic students and any Catholic students in grades 3 and up that have not previously made their 1st communion but would like to do so this year.  For any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

Advanced Band Lessons Begin Tomorrow

Students in Grades 5 – 8 will have lessons tomorrow (Wednesday, September 4th),  please have them bring their instruments to school.  Students new to SJS in Grades 5-8 that played an instrument at their prior school are welcome to bring their instrument and join their peers for this first lesson.

There will be an Instrumental Music Parent Meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  The following parents/guardians should attend:

1) Parents/guardians of Grade 4 students who are interested in joining our instrumental music program this year.  Fourth grade is the first year students are eligible to join.

2) Parents/guardians of Grade 5 – 8 students who would like to start playing an instrument this year (did not play last year).

3) Parents/guardians of new Saint James School 5th – 8th grade students who played an instrument at their prior school.


Last Call: SJS Spiritwear

Please note, we have extended the deadline for ordering our optional school spiritwear and Cross Country spiritwear until tonight at midnight:

No School Monday

THANK YOU to everyone for doing their part to help us get off to a GREAT start to the new year!

As a reminder there is no school on Monday, September 2nd, for the Labor Day Holiday.  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday.

From the Crossing Guard

Our crossing guard would like to remind families to please not turn onto Otis Street when she is out in the road crossing students at morning arrival.  Any time a crossing guard is in the road with the stop sign, all cars need to stay stationary.  Thank you!

Cross Country Starts Tuesday!

Cross Country starts next week and we still need helpers!  You do NOT have to run to help out with what we need.  If you are willing to help please reach out to Mr. Green at asap.

For students in Grades 5-8 who are FULLY REGISTERED to participate in Cross Country, please note the 1st practice begins on Tuesday, September 3rd.  Practices will typically be held right after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays but a schedule will be handed out in the days ahead.  Please be parked outside the SJS gymnasium to pick up your runner by 3:30pm (please don’t buzz into the school – wait for your runner to come out).

Runners should bring their running shoes and a change of clothes to school on Tuesday morning.  Please make sure they have a refillable water bottle packed as well.  A note or email should be sent to the teacher giving permission for your child to stay after school on Tuesday.

We are excited for a great season!

Cherrydale Fall Fundraiser

All students (PreK-Grade 8) will be coming home today with our fall fundraiser packet from Cherrydale Fundraising.  This catalog-based fundraiser offers a wide-range of items including wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets, home decor, cookies, and candy — there is something for everyone!

Our goal with this fundraiser is to raise $20,000.00 for essential programs not currently funded through tuition or other traditional means.

We are asking ALL parents to register their student(s) here:

This year, all sales should be done online at 

At the end of the fundraiser, students will earn prizes based on the total number of items sold.  In addition, throughout the sale, there are 3 chances to earn extra incentives. Turn-in dates for the Wild Thingz incentives are:

Friday, September 6th

Friday, September 13th

Friday, September 20th

On these dates, send your child to school with the special coupon on the back of the prize brochure in the fundraising packet.

While all our school fundraisers are optional, our Cherrydale fundraiser is typically one of our most successful with a large percentage of sales coming back to our school.  We certainly appreciate your participation when possible!  If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email our parent volunteer coordinator for this fundraiser, Kate Davis, at

LAST CALL: SJS Spiritwear

Show your SCHOOL SPIRIT with Saint James School Spiritwear! Click the link below to view all items:

Products – Saint James School (

For students running Cross Country (gr. 5-8), the following spiritwear items may be worn to school on gym day:

* Cross country navy shorts (not the cadence trainers)
* Limitless pants
* Limitless warm up jacket

The Gray t-shirt required for gym day, however, must be the uniform one from Lands’ End or Dennis Uniform company (spiritwear t-shirts are not permitted on gym day)

For K-8 students, the following general spiritwear items may be worn to school on gym day OVER the required gray uniform t-shirt:

* Faith Love Hope Hoodie
* Gray 2 Stripes Hoodie
* Navy Basic Hoodie with Gold Crest

Orders must be placed by August 30th and will be available for pick-up at SJS around mid-September  (we will send an email when items are in).  There is an additional fee if you would like items shipped directly to your home.

A portion of each sale will be donated back to SJS.  Please direct any questions to Amy Guenther at

Thank you Knights of Columbus!

Uniform for Tomorrow

Tomorrow our 1st – 8th grade students will attend a Back-to-School Mass at Saint James Church. As this is our first Mass of the new year, please have your student wear their “regular uniform” to school tomorrow (not gym uniform).  IF Friday is the day your child has gym class, your student is welcome to wear their sneakers with their regular uniform.