Box Tops Winners

Congratulations to our 6th classes for winning of our November/December Box Tops Dress Down with a total of 400 Box Tops!  The students counted a total of 1,290 Box Tops yesterday, which equates to $129 for our school!  Thank you for everyone who sent in Box Tops.  Please keep collecting paper box tops and using the App for Digital Box Tops to keep earning money for our school.

We will be counting box tops again in March.

Uniform Closet Coordinator Needed

We are in need of a new parent/grandparent volunteer to take the lead on organizing upkeep on our uniform closet during this second half of the school year.  If you are interested, please reach out to Mrs. Sager at

Girls Varsity Basketball

Girls Varsity Basketball practice is cancelled for this evening.

Arrival/Dismissal Reminders

Reminders from Mrs. Zorger regarding arrival and Dismissal, please share this with anyone picking up/dropping of your child/ren:

When bringing your children to school in the morning, you have two choices:

1) DROP & GO (K-8 ONLY)

*Please use the whole length of Park Street starting at the corner of Church St. and Park St. all the way until the entrance to our playground between the Pre-K building and main school building.

*You do not need to wait until you are in front of the breezeway for your children to exit the car. This will help with the flow.

*Remember this is a drop-off area, which means:
• only students are getting out of the car
• they do not need any assistance getting out of the car
• they have their backpacks and instruments with them- not in the trunk
• students are ready to get out of the car- they are done tying shoes, they are done with breakfast, etc.


A second choice at drop-off is if you would like to stop your car and assist your child in getting out of the car, walk your child to the entrance of school, or your child is not ready to get out of the car. If this is the case, parking options are:
• The West side of Otis Street
• The North side of Park St. beginning from the Pre-Kindergarten building down to Chestnut St.
• St. James Church parking lot
• Our school playground lot between the Pre-K building and the Main school building.


At dismissal, we have a lot more cars trying to find parking since students need to be picked up by someone present at dismissal. Parking options are the same as above. This is the best time to use the St. James Church parking lot (no parking in St. Mary’s lot).

*If you are parking on the street, please pay attention to the parking signs – there are some that say no parking, some that designate times of no parking. There is no parking between the hours of 7-9 and 1-3 in front of the school, on Park Street, from the corner of Church St. and the playground entrance.

* If there is a cone placed on the side of the street, this is indicating a no parking, stopping, or waiting area. Please do not move the cone or pull up next to the cone to wait, drop-off, or pick-up.

In the past, our neighbors have asked us to please notify our families to not:
• Run-around their lawns and property at pick-up
• Block driveways during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
• Block trash cans and recycle bins at the curb on Friday mornings (meaning the trash/recycles don’t get picked up); and
• Speed through area roads/not fully stopping at stop signs (specifically at Chestnut and Park Street, where students are out waiting for buses).

We have been notified by our neighbor, St. Mary’s Church, to remind our families to not use their parking lots. Parking in St. Mary’s parking lot at any time of day is not an option.


We appreciate everyone paying attention to these procedures. We have many students who arrive and are picked up by car. Please exhibit patience for the safety of our students. As always, we thank you for your efforts to make our school the best it can be.

Mad Science After School Program (Grades 1-5)

Today our 1st – 5th grade students enjoyed a Mad Science Assembly in the gym, kicking off our the Mad Science After School program that will be held on Thursdays – January 23rd through April 2nd (no class on 3/12).  The cost for the 10 week program is $150 and space is limited.  Please see […]

Winter Chess Club

Saint James School will again offer Chess Club on Tuesdays after school.  Attached is the informational flyer if your child/ren are interested in participating, please RSVP by January 13th (space is limited).

StJames Winter 2020 Chess Workshop Flyer

Aftercare Statements Ready for Pickup

December Extended Day usage statements are now available for pick-up from Ms. Jean.  Please be sure to grab yours next time you pick up your child from aftercare.

SJS Volunteer Mass & Reception

Volunteers play a critical role here at Saint James School. Volunteers run many of our fundraising events, social events, and classroom parties. In addition, our sports coaches are all volunteers, many of our after-school activities are run by volunteers, our Saint James School board (and related committees) are all volunteers, along with the Saint James School Foundation members.

Volunteers provide countless hours tutoring students and helping with marketing-related duties. In short, volunteers play a very important role here at Saint James School!!

As such, one of our important activities during Catholic Schools Week is to show our appreciation to our volunteers for their “Service” to Saint James School. This will be done with a special prayer for volunteers during our 9:15am Mass on Monday, January 27th, followed by a special reception in the lower church immediately following Mass.

Please join us so that all the students of Saint James School can see the faces of the dedicated parents and family members who donate their time and talents to helping making Saint James School such a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow.

If you will be attending the Mass and Reception, please return the form (link below) to the office by January 17th.

2020 Volunteer Response Form

Sunday Mass – Student Helpers Still Needed

Saint James School will join other Catholic schools throughout New England in celebration of Catholic School’s week during the last week of January.

We will kick-of our celebration with special Saint James School Masses the weekend of January 25th/26th and are looking for Saint James School students to serve as greeters and gift bearers at all 4 Masses at Saint James Church that weekend (4:00pm on Saturday; 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am on Sunday).

If your student/s are interested in participating as a greeter/gift bearer at one of these Masses, please email Amy Guenther at and provide 1st and 2nd choice for Mass times.

Thank you to those who have already responded.  We will be reaching out to you by the end of the week with more information.

STEM Club Update

The January sessions of STEM club are full for both Grades 1 & 2 and Grades 3 & 4.  You will be receiving a note home shortly letting you know whether or not your child will be able to attend.  Thank you!