Blue & Gold Dress Down Tomorrow

As a reminder, as part of Catholic School’s Week, tomorrow (Friday) we are having another Dress Down Day – this time it is Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear (Standard Dress Down Guidelines apply and NO shorts are to be worn to school).  Tomorrow afternoon there will be a Pep Rally as we close out Catholic Schools’ Week with a celebration of our great school.

CSW2020 Flyer

ALERT from the School Nurse

Currently, there is a significant increase in absences and school illnesses here at Saint James School due to colds, temperatures, cough, sore throats, headaches, and body aches.  It is very important to contact your child’s Primary Care Provider as soon as possible when your child is experiencing these symptoms in order to be evaluated for flu, strep throat or virus.


Cold and Flu season is upon us.  Here are a few Flu facts:

F:  Fever A: Aches C:  Cough & Chills T:  Tiredness & Fatigue S:  Sudden Onset


It is important to keep sick children at home for many reasons. . . mostly to prevent the spread of infection and to allow them to rest and recover.  For Flu and any contagious illness, children should not return to school until the fever (over 100.0 degrees) has been gone for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.  Your child should be eating and taking fluids adequately.  Your child also needs to be well rested and able to get through the school day.  The Flu recovery can take up to 7 days or more.  It is not too late to get a Flu shot!


Flu is short for Influenza which is a respiratory illness.

Influenza-Like Illness is a term used to describe symptoms which might be flu:  fever with cough and/or sore throat.  If your child develops these symptoms while at school, they will be dismissed.  Please provide a quick pick up and take your child straight home.  Your child’s primary care provider can then be called for advice.  If your child is diagnosed with the Flu, please notify the school.  Also, with a Flu diagnosis, your child’s doctor might be able to prescribe medication to lessen the symptoms and risks associated with the Flu.  The same medication can be prescribed to family members to prevent the Flu per your doctor’s advice.

A few more friendly reminders:

Do not bring sick children to school, to school sponsored events or sporting events.  If they are too ill or too contagious to be in school, they should NOT be entering the school building for ANY reason.

Please provide a doctor’s note if your child is absent for 3 or more days.  Notes can be faxed to 860-649-6462.

Wacky Tacky Day Tomorrow

As a reminder, as part of Catholic School’s Week, tomorrow (Thursday) we are having another Dress Down Day – this time Wacky Tacky attire (Standard Dress Down Guidelines apply and NO shorts are to be worn to school).

Friday is our Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down.

CSW2020 Flyer

February Book & Art Club Gr. 1&2

The next Book & Art Club for students in grades 1 & 2 will be held after school on February 19th, If your student would like to attend, please RSVP using the permission slip below.

Feb 19 Book & Art Club Permission Slip Grades 1&2

A couple of notes:

  • If your child has a food allergy, please have them bring a snack.
  • Pick-up will now take place outside the gym doors.
  • Please be sure you check in with Mrs. Rafferty to sign-out your student before leaving.


Blanket Collection for Puerto Rico

Saint James School is collecting new and gently worn blankets for families in Puerto Rico who are enduring devastating conditions from back-to-back natural disasters.

Through members of our school community that have friends and family on the island we have learned that blankets are in very short supply.  One of our SJS families will be shipping what we collect to Puerto Rico and ensuring that it reaches those in need.

Students may bring donations in to their homerooms between now and Friday, January 31st.

Thank you for any support you can provide.

Tonight! Dine-Out in Support of SJS

Tomorrow (Tuesday, January 28th) Saint James School will host a dine-out at BurgerFi (located in the BJ’s Plaza in Manchester).  Come by for dinner between the hours of 4:00pm-8:00pm and 15% of your bill will be donated to Saint James School. No Flyer is needed, just be sure to check out at the designated SJS register!  If you have any questions, please contact parent volunteer coordinator Jodi Talaga at

Science Fair

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the 7th Grade Science Fair.  Guests are welcome to attend and view the projects between 8:30am – 12:00pm.  Guests must enter through the main doors and check in at the office before heading to the gym.

Tomorrow’s Attire & Service Projects

As a reminder, as part of Catholic School’s Week, tomorrow we are having a Sports-themed Dress Down Day (Standard Dress Down Guidelines apply and NO shorts are to be worn to school).

In addition, students in grades K-8 are participating in service projects as follows:

Grades 6-8 will be donating items to make “Birthday Bags.”

Grades 3-5 will be making Thank You cards for First Responders.

Grades K-2 will be making Valentine’s Day cards for the elderly


CSW2020 Flyer


For Tomorrow: Middle School Collection Reminder

As part of Catholic Schools Week, Middle School students are collecting items for “Birthday Bags” which will be donated to local food pantries. Please send in the items listed below tomorrow Tuesday, January 28, if you have not already done so:

Grade 8: Cake mix and a package of balloons
Grade 7: Frosting and a generic birthday card
Grade 6: Candles and streamers

Thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.

Thank you to all our volunteers!

Today, as part of Catholic Schools’ Week, our Kindergarten through grade 8 students attended Mass at Saint James Church to celebrate and honor the countless volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to our school.

While only a small percentage of volunteers were able to be with us in person today, Father Cavanaugh and Mrs. Zorger both took the opportunity to remind students about the value of giving back to the community.   We are very blessed at Saint James School to have so many volunteers that make a difference in the lives of our students and to our school community as a whole.