Soirée RSVP Reminder


The annual Saint James School Soirée & Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year and a great adults-only event to celebrate the awesome community we share while raising money for our school! The event will take place on Saturday, March 28th from 7:00pm – 11:30pm, in what we are calling The Saber’s Den (our school’s gymnasium, transformed for the event). This year’s theme will be 60’s Beach Party! Attendees are welcome to come in their favorite 60’s Beach Party attire (but please know that beach attire is not required to attend).

In keeping with tradition, attendees of the Soirée will have the option to participate in the live and/or silent auctions and purchase raffle tickets for the class baskets.

All proceeds from the event will benefit Saint James School. There will be delicious food from Highland Park Market, a cash bar from Lucky Taco, a hula hoop contest, and – of course – A WHOLE LOT of fun!

Invitations and RSVP cards were sent home with students and are also available using the links below.

2020 Soirée Invitation

2020 Soirée RSVP Card

If you would like to volunteer at the event, donate an auction item, or help us solicit donations, please contact parent volunteer chair Erin Daley at Information on sponsorships can be found here: 2020 Soiree Sponsorship Form

The 2020 Soirée artwork was beautifully designed by Alessandra and Miles Maull (who won this honor at last year’s event).


Ash Wednesday Mass Tomorrow

Tomorrow, February 26th, students in grades K – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am for Ash Wednesday. All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend the Mass (please sit in the back few rows of pews).

Munson’s Fundraiser Orders Due Tomorrow

As a reminder, Munson’s Fundraiser orders are due to the office tomorrow (February 25th).  Please use the special tally form to write down the final total of each product sold, along with the final amount due.  Questions may be directed to parent volunteer Megan Hunt at

Please make checks payable to Saint James School and remember to write your child’s name & grade on ALL forms and checks.  If possible, please submit just one check per order form as this greatly helps the volunteers who tally the orders for submission.

Orders will arrive in plenty of time for Easter and an e-mail will be sent in late March/early April notifying parents of the pickup date.

Important: Returning Family Registrations

As a reminder, last Friday was the deadline for Returning Family Registration Forms.  If you have yet to submit your paperwork, please do so by Wednesday.  We have many classes that are already close to full, and we have been very busy with inquiries this year.  We will begin sending out new family acceptance letters this week.

Please email Amy Guenther at if you are in need of another copy of the Returning Family Registration information notice.  Hard copies are also available in the main office.

Sabers Win on Senior Night

Saber Sock Day TOMORROW

Mrs. Zorger has announced that this Friday – February 21st – will be a Saber Sock Day! All students that purchased Saber Socks a couple of months ago are encouraged to wear their socks to school (with their school uniform) tomorrow to show their school spirit!

Attention Grade 8 Parents

Please remember baby pictures and information sheets for the 8th graders are due tomorrow (hard deadline).  There have been several reminders given to the students.

Also, as a reminder, pictures for the 8th grade banquet slide show are due to Mrs. Christina (who has volunteered to put this together for our graduating class) by the end of next week.  Please refer to the email sent on January 31st from our account for additional information.

Varsity “Senior Night” Games at SJS This Evening

Tonight Saint James School will host Senior Night, recognizing our 8th grade varsity boys and girls basketball players during their last regular home game of the season (as well as their SJS basketball career) before we head into tournament season.

The Varsity Girls will play at SJS at 6:00pm, followed by our Varsity Gold (8th grade) Boys Basketball team at 7:15pm.

All SJS families are welcome to out and cheer on our players.

**Returning Family Registration Due Tomorrow

As a reminder, Returning Family Registration Forms are due tomorrow Friday, February 21st.  We appreciate your timely response as we will begin accepting new family registrations next week.

For our Catholic families, please also be sure you are sending the Parish Affiliation Form in to your Pastor so that we will have that back by the deadline of June 1st.

If you are in need of a new copy of the information, please email Amy Guenther at or pick up a hard copy from Mrs. Sager in the SJS main office.

Mercy High School Program

Mercy High School has asked us to share the following information with our families:

“Discover Mercy” is a morning program offered for fifth, sixth and seventh grade girls and their parents to get a first look at Mercy by enjoying activities, student performances and informal conversations with Mercy students, parents, alumnae, administrators and faculty. The event is scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

During “Discover Mercy,” girls have the opportunity to spend time in the classrooms with faculty and students while attending “classes” such as Beginners Yoga, Creative Writing, French Cuisine, Mad about Math, and Theater Arts Workshop to name a few options. All of the choices are listed on the registration page. Here is the link: Discover Mercy. Meanwhile, parents may attend an informal question and answer session and participate in programs designed especially for them.

Following the morning program, everyone is invited to lunch in the cafeteria and experience a performance by the cast of the Mercy/Xavier Musical Mamma Mia!  Mercy Student Ambassadors are available to lead tours of the school at any time during the morning, including a stop at the school store.