As noted in an earlier communication, Saint James School is refunding money from the Munson’s Fundraiser. Refund checks are being written this week and we anticipate you should be seeing those in your mailbox by the end of next week. Please keep an eye out.
We have also made the difficult decision not to reschedule the 2020 Soiree. Although this is such an important fundraiser for our school, we felt there were too many uncertainties surrounding the next several months to plan a new date. Next week we will be mailing out refunds for tickets that were purchased and returning sponsorship checks. Please know how grateful we are for your support of this important event and hope we can count on your support again in 2021.
If you sent in cash for the class baskets, many items have already been purchased. Please know that items that cannot be returned will be used for next year’s event (or perhaps a special raffle in the Fall) and your generous support will not fall by the wayside. If you personally purchased an item for a basket that you would like back, we will do our best to handle those situations on a case by case basis. You can email Mrs. Sager at and she will keep track of that information for us.
In addition, we are refunding the money that families paid for spring soccer and the Father/Son event, the Basketball Banquet, and STEM Club. You can anticipate a refund in your mailbox by the end of next week for these as well. If you would like to “donate” these monies to the school instead of receiving a reimbursement, please let Mrs. Sager know know and the school will issue you a tax receipt for your contribution.