Attention Grade 3-8 Parents
Please make sure your student has added the following codes for Google Classroom:
Grade 3- 4jnkyic
Grade 4- mu6c3pv
Grade 5- fzxkgwr
Grade 6- rxmb5nb
Grade 7- 2eointa
Grade 8- cwifra2
Students in Choir- zhfsc4j
Please make sure your student has added the following codes for Google Classroom:
Grade 3- 4jnkyic
Grade 4- mu6c3pv
Grade 5- fzxkgwr
Grade 6- rxmb5nb
Grade 7- 2eointa
Grade 8- cwifra2
Students in Choir- zhfsc4j
Wednesday, March 25 – The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
At the invitation of the Holy Father, Catholics across the world are encouraged to pause at 12 noon today to pray the Our Father.
Following this prayer, Archbishop Blair will be leading the recitation of the Rosary, which he invites all of us to follow along with as it is livestreamed on the Archdiocese of Hartford Facebook page:
Please read the attached information from Mrs. Jennings, our social worker here at SJS.
As a reminder, we are hosting a Distance Learning Wacky Hair day today! If your student(s) would like to participate, please feel free to send us a picture to share with the SJS community (and, thank you to those who have already sent them in). We will post pictures tomorrow.
Please note, SJS 8th grade students will automatically receive a 2019-2020 yearbook as a gift from the school – you do not need to purchase one for your child.
Dear Parents,
Last evening, Executive Order (7J) and new Connecticut DECD guidance were released clarifying the “Stay Safe, Stay Home” initiative that becomes effective TONIGHT – Monday, March 23, 2020 – at 8:00pm. It is noted that this directive will remain in effect through April 22, 2020 unless further modified, extended, or terminated by the Governor.
We realize every family is dealing with unique challenges and hardships as a result of Covid-19. My staff and I remain committed to ensuring each child’s learning is moving forward as best we can, and hope this also provides some sense of normalcy for your child/ren during a difficult time.
At this time, our plan is for Saint James School is to maintain distance learning following the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” mandate. We will pause the distance learning for our scheduled April break (Friday, April 10th – Friday, April 17th) and resume again on April 20th. We will continually assess how to best proceed and follow the guidance from state and local leaders.
This is a rapidly evolving situation and I am grateful for the patience and support you are extending to our teachers and staff under these unfortunate circumstances. I know our families are also looking towards the future and we are still on track to conclude our academic year on Thursday, June 11th.
While the Executive Order remains in place, please note that no one will be available to answer phones at the school; If you need to contact myself or any member of the staff, please do so through email.
Please stay safe and vigilant and keep our front line workers (many of whom are a part of this school community) in your prayers.
God Bless you and your family.
Students in grades five and six are asked to e-mail Mr. Corcoran at sometime today to schedule a lesson time. Mr. Corcoran is set up to teach via Facetime, but is committed to implementing other technology if needed.
On Tuesday, students in Grade 4 should reach out to Mr. Corcoran to set up their remote lessons.
There is still time to order your yearbook. You can go to Type in our school code: 9708620. From there you will type in the name and grade of your student and follow with the payment. Please note: the multiple copy discount is no longer available. You will need to pay the full price for each yearbook you order. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. St. Jean at
Due to current circumstances and the uncertainty surrounding the next few weeks, we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel our Munson’s fundraiser order. We will be issuing refund checks to families that participated in this fundraiser in the near future and hope everyone will be understanding of this decision. Munson’s has been very supportive in working through this with us and, as a local business, we would like to encourage you to consider purchasing your Easter Candy from them online:
Beginning on Sunday, they will have a special promotion for free shipping on orders of $55-$120 with the code FREESHIP (limited time offer).
Mr. Corcoran is available to work with his students for lessons via Facetime and possibly other technology as well. If you are interested, please e-mail at and he will schedule a lesson time. He would like to start with 7th and 8th grade students right now, but will move to include other students in the near future.