Please take some time to review the attached documentation regarding the 2020-2021 school year. In addition to detailed information about what in-person learning will look like this year, there is an option (see last page) for Distance Learning where students would participate in instruction each day from their home. Once you have read through the information, all families must fill out the questionnaire below to tell us how your child/ren will be attending school this Fall (in-person or remotely). This information will help us further prepare for the start of the upcoming year. Due date for responses is Tuesday, July 28th by 2pm.
Please keep in mind this plan complies with current State mandates but may fluctuate based on COVID-19 trends. Any updates to this information will be communicated in a timely manner.
SJS Return to In-Person Learning Plan 7-22-20
FALL 2020 Return to In-Person Learning Intentions Questionnaire
For families with a Pre-Kindergarten student, please note our Pre-K plan will be sent to you by the end of the week.