Thank you to everyone for being flexible with our unexpected, quick pivot to remote learning today. As noted in last night’s email, the building will be thoroughly cleaned and “fogged” this evening, and we anticipate classes will back in the building on Monday (with the exception of the cohort that will be remote learning).
For all grades that will be returning back to the school building on Monday, if you would prefer that your student move to remote learning for a period of time, we welcome you to make that change by reaching out to your child’s teacher over the weekend.
Also, if you have not yet downloaded the SJS App – which we can use to send a last-minute notification to your phone – now might be a good time to do so. Information regarding the App can be found in the October Saber Stories Newsletter (link at the bottom of this email) and we have added the informational link back into the bottom of the daily email.
Please be sure you say “YES” to receiving notifications.