New Music Teacher

Saint James School welcomes Mr. Tyler Lucey in the role of general music teacher (K-8).  Mr. Lucey has been teaching music and music theory at Soli Music in Essex Vermont since 2014.  His specialties in this capacity were guitar, voice, piano, ukulele, drums, and cello.  During this time, Mr. Lucey has also been involved in numerous other music programs including an after school program music with Burlington (VT) public schools.  We look forward to having Mr. Lucey on staff to share his knowledge and passion for music with our K-8 learners.

Thank you!

On behalf of Mrs. Zorger and all the classroom teachers, a HUGE thank you to our SJS families for another great day!  We truly appreciate everyone following the proper parking/drop-off protocol and getting your students here with plenty of time to spare in the morning.  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow morning!

Gym Uniform Thursday

With the temperature expected to be quite warm again tomorrow all students are welcome to wear their GYM UNIFORM ATTIRE again tomorrow (Thursday).

5th Grade Pics

Thank You!!

On behalf of the administration, faculty, and staff of Saint James School, THANK YOU for your ongoing support of our school and being part of our awesome community as we adjust to a “new normal.”  We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through new processes and a myriad of new technology.  The first day certainly wasn’t without some technology hiccups, but we have been working to address those throughout the day and I’m sure we will continue to make tweaks during this first week.

Tomorrow’s Schedule

Tomorrow is a regular school day (2:05pm dismissal for students not going to aftercare).  Hot Lunch will be served for students in grades 1-8.  Please make sure your child has money in their hot lunch account if they will be purchasing hot lunch tomorrow.  September 2020 Hot Lunch Calendar

Drop-Off/Pick-Up Reminder

Thank you to everyone for being so diligent with drop-off and pick-up parking today!  One additional reminder, for everyone’s safety – PLEASE walk to the crossing guard and wait for her signal before crossing the street.  Please don’t just run across the street with your child.  Thank you again!

Thank You Parent Volunteers

Thank you to our awesome HSA/Parent Volunteers Mrs. Talaga, Mrs. Poth, Mrs. Fiereck, Mrs Miller, and Mrs. Santodonato (along with several of our SJS students) who came by yesterday afternoon to  decorate our sidewalks and draw out fun courses for the kids to do at recess.


Pre-K Before Care

Since there was very little need among our Pre-K families for the Before Care program, at this time we will not be offering Before Care for Pre-K3 & Pre-K4.

Before Care will still be available to our K-8.

There WILL be AFTER SCHOOL CARE for Pre-K3 & Pre-K4 as well as all K-8 students.  Aftercare runs from afternoon dismissal until 5:30pm.

Please reach out to Jean Burdick (Ms. Jean) at with any questions.

Please remember any student going to aftercare on the first day of school needs a lunch from home.

Email Spam

Please be advised that Mrs. Mayo’s email has been hacked – if you received a generic email today from her asking you to reach out to her, please do not respond.  Please delete it.