12:05pm Dismissal Day Tomorrow

As a reminder, tomorrow – Friday, December 11th – is a 12:05pm Dismissal Day.  Aftercare will be in session.  If your child will be going to Aftercare on Friday, they will need a lunch and drink from home (there is no cafeteria service on early dismissal days).

Tonight: Virtual HSA Meeting

There will be a virtual HSA meeting this evening – Thursday, December 10th – at 7:00pm. All SJS parents/guardians are welcome to join.  Please use this link to join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7226183621?pwd=ZkFLTTV2ME5HNW8zcVNabWRLZU9wdz09

Last Call: Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids Drive

As you may recall from earlier emails, our local Knights of Columbus has been collecting new or gently used and clean Winter Coats to donate to local families in need.  Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Sweaters & Sweatshirts also welcome!   The final call for donations is this Friday, December 11th.   Donations this week can be sent into the school and Joe Congdon from the Knights of Columbus will pick them up here.

Over the past seven years our local Knights of Columbus have delivered hundreds of coats, hats and mittens to children in need here in Manchester thanks to your generosity! We sincerely appreciate your support.

STEM Club for 1st Grade

STEM Club will run for 1st graders after school on Thurs, Dec 17.  If your child would like to attend, please complete the permission form below.  There will be a limit of 10 students for this session.  If more than 10 students are interested, there will be a wait-list and students on the wait-list will be given priority for the next 1st grade session.

STEM Club Permission Form


Important Notice

Within the past hour we have received notification that all Manchester Public Schools (MPS) will temporarily move to full remote learning, beginning Monday, due to the growing number of quarantined MPS staff members and students.

Please note, at this time, Saint James School is NOT impacted by the shut down and will continue to offer in-person learning for our students.  In addition, SJS will continue to have bus service and hot lunch service (both of which are provided to us through the town) next week without interruption.

While we are fortunate that our school has not been impacted by a substantial number of quarantines, the announcement from MPS continues to underscore the importance of keeping students home if they show any sign of illness or have been exposed to someone who may be ill.  We, too, are limited in the number of substitute teachers at our disposal on any given day and with cases continuing to be on the rise throughout the state, we really need everyone to be extra vigilant right now.

Thank you again for your ongoing support.

Box Tops Winner For December

The winner of the December Box Tops Contest is (once again!) kindergarten. The teachers will let students/parents know when the dress down day will occur.

Please remember to keep clipping physical box tops and if you have not already done so, please download the new Box Tops App so you can scan receipts to earn money for our school!

St. James Virtual Mass For This Weekend

Below please find the link to the virtual Saint James Parish Mass for Sunday, December 6th, 2020.

Saint James Parish Mass December 6th, 2020 – YouTube


STEM Club Session for 2nd Graders

STEM Club will run for 2nd graders on Thursday, December 10 from 2:10-3:00pm.  There will be a limit of 9 students in this session.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Permission Form below.  If more than 9 students are interested, there will be a wait-list and students on the list will be given priority for the next 2nd grade session.

2nd Grade STEM Club Permission Form

Last Call: SJS Christmas Wreath Fundraiser


Ordering extended through this Friday, December 4th

Saint James School is once again selling Christmas wreaths as a fundraiser in conjunction with Botticello Farms in Manchester.

Please click HERE for details and the order form.

Once your order is placed, we will send home your redeemable coupon(s) with your child. You can pick up your wreaths as early as November 21st at Botticello Farms (209 Hillstown Rd, Manchester). (Coupons must be redeemed by December 13th.)

Wreaths are available in 3 ring sizes. Choose from plain, with a bow, or a fully decorated wreath. The popular kissing balls are also available!

Remember, the earlier you place your order – the sooner you will receive your coupons.

Return orders & payment to the school office in an envelope marked “HSA Christmas Wreath Sale.” Any questions, ​contact Jodi Talaga, ​jtalaga94@gmail.com​.

Last Day to Order Spiritwear (Closes at Midnight Tonight)

Looking for Christmas gift ideas for your family?  We are now offering SJS Spiritwear with item delivery anticipated in advance of Christmas break.  In addition, a portion of every item you purchase will go towards supporting our school!

Please use the link below to view and purchase items.  Please note, “SJS” logo on the fleece and soft shell jackets will be done in embroidery.  If you have any questions, please contact Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.

The navy sweatshirt, gray sweatshirt, navy & gray sweatshirt, as well as the navy sweatpants can all be worn in school on Gym days (navy shorts can be worn during Spring/Summer uniform).  There will also be a dress down day in January when students can wear SJS spiritwear to school.


Delivery options:  Items can be shipped to your home for an additional charge.  There is no shipping charge for items delivered to the school for distribution (items can go home with students or we will work with you to arrange pick-up.  Items will be packed in unmarked boxes).