Cross Country Meet Cancelled – Practice Tomorrow

Today’s Cross Country Meet has been cancelled due to the weather.  As there is no meet today, the Cross Country team WILL practice after school tomorrow (Tuesday).

Book & Art Club Returns (Grades 1 & 2)


The much-loved Saint James School Book & Art Club is returning!  Facilitated by Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Tierney, and Mrs. Rafferty students participating in this after school activity will read a story together, then complete a craft project related to the story’s theme.  Crafts and stories are typically based around the season or a specific Holiday.  Our first session of the year will be held on Thursday, October 28th and will be for students in our 1st and 2nd grade classes.

Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis (upon receipt of permission slip and $5 fee to the SJS main office).  Please RSVP by 10/6 using this permission slip: October Book & Art Club Permission Slip Grades 1&2

Any questions may be directed to Mrs. Rafferty at

Scholastic Book Fair Begins!


Unfortunately we need to share another notice about parking, as we have received two more complaints from our neighbors in just the past two days.

Saint James School values the positive relationship that we have with the people in our neighborhood and we really need everyone’s help and consideration.  Please share this with anyone dropping-off/picking-up your child(ren) each day.

* Please DO NOT park within 25 feet of a stop sign (the complaint was from cars on St. James Street), but it is a CT state law so please use this rule all around our neighborhood.

* DO NOT (under any circumstances) park in front of someone’s driveway – even if only for a few minutes.

* Please DO NOT park on the sidewalk.

* DO NOT park in the Otis Street Condo parking area.  This is private property!

We realize parking is tight at arrival and dismissal, but we have a huge parking lot at St. James Church and town crossing guards at our disposal.  If you cannot find on-street parking that is within our communicated guidelines, please use the Church lot.

Thank you for your support.

Glasses Left on School Bus

If your child rides the school bus and is missing their glasses, we have them in the main office.  Black rims, small size, have the works “enhance” and “black crystal” imprinted on the arm.  Please call Mrs. Sager if they belong to your child.

Letter from Mrs. Zorger

Please read the attached letter from Mrs. Zorger regarding Governor Lamont’s extension of the mask requirement for all schools in Connecticut.

Letter from Mrs Zorger

Friendzy Program

Please review the following letter from Mrs. Zorger regarding year 2 of our Friendzy program here at SJS.  The program will again run October through May, with a new theme being unveiled each month.

Letter from Mrs Zorger – 2021 Friendzy Program

Student Council Information Meeting (Gr. 6-8)

On Monday, October 4th, there will be a short information meeting for students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 that are interested in serving Saint James School by running for the Student Council.  The meeting will be in Mrs. Jones’ classroom (B-104) and will run from 2:10pm – 2:30pm.  Any student staying after school to participate in the information session must bring a note from home for their homeroom teacher.  Students not going to aftercare after the meeting should be picked up outside the main entrance at 2:30pm.

Kindergarten & Grade 1 Girl Scouts

One of our Saint James School parent volunteers is organizing a Girl Scout Troop Kindergarten and 1st Grade girls.  Please see the attached flyer if you have a daughter in our Kindergarten or 1st grade program and they might like to participate (Last call:  please reach out to Mrs. Howard this weekend if interested).

Girl Scouts for K & 1 – Grow Play Explore

Free/Reduced Lunch Form for Additional Benefits

Although our K-8 students are currently receiving meals free of cost, the state is encouraging families who could potentially qualify for either free or reduced priced meals to submit the following form:  In the event that additional Covid assistance becomes available to families who are struggling financially, this application may qualify you to receive these benefits.