Arrival Notes

Thank you to all of our families for your assistance in ensuring a smooth and safe morning arrival (and afternoon dismissal).  We appreciate the extra caution and adherence to our polices so that everyone has a great start (and end) to their school day!

A couple of reminders from the school office and from our crossing guards:

* We continue to see an excessive number tardy arrivals each day.  K-8 students should be in the building by 7:50am so that teachers can begin their class time when the bell rings without interruption.  Students were reminded about the importance of punctuality during morning announcements today;

* Please remember that cars should never stop ON (or too close to) a crosswalk;

* And, lastly, please walk in front of the crossing guards (not behind) for safety reasons.

Thank you again!


Hot Lunch Change for Monday (10/18)

Please note that Monday’s Hot Lunch has been changed to Corn Dogs and Sweet Potato Fries (instead of quesadillas and corn).

Grade 2 STEM Club Update

Please note that the October STEM Club for 2nd grade is full.

Last Call: Saint James School Fall Chess Club

Saint James School is bringing back our after school Chess Club for students in grades 3 – 8 on Tuesday afternoons.  Below is the informational flyer.  If your child/ren are interested in participating, please RSVP with payment to the SJS main office by October 15th (space is limited).  The first session is October 19th (pickup of participating students at 3:15pm will be in the big lot between the main school and the Pre-K).

SJS Fall 2021 Chess Workshop Flyer

Vote for Saint James School!

If you are on Facebook, please take a moment to VOTE for (by liking) the Saint James School scarecrow in the Downtown Manchester Scarecrow Competition:

SJS Car Stickers

If anyone needs a new SJS sticker for their car or if you are new to Saint James School and didn’t get one when school started, please email Amy Guenther ( and she will send it home with your student.

Attention Cross Country Runners

As a reminder, our cross country team will have their first meet of the season (since last week’s Illing meet was rained out) at Vernon Center Middle School on Thursday, October 14th.  Parents should have their runner at the school for 3:15pm to stretch and walk the course with Coach O’Neill.

2021 Cross Country Calendar

SJS Scarecrow on Main

The Saint James School Scarecrow is up on Main Street!  This year the town requested that Scarecrows be designed with the theme “Undercover Heroes” in mind, and we – of course – wanted to recognize/honor one of our favorites – our teachers!  (Please note, as of this posting, there was a delay in the town opening the voting links.  When it opens, you will be able to vote for Saint James School’s Scarecrow by using this link: Saint James School Scarecrow Page).

A special THANK YOU to Mrs. Piotrowski for volunteering to coordinate this year’s Scarecrow for our school!


Reminder: No School Monday

As a reminder, there is NO SCHOOL this coming Monday (October 11th) in observance of Columbus Day.   October Calendar

Travel Policy Reminder

If you will be traveling this long weekend (or at any other time) we wanted to remind everyone of our school’s travel policy: