Corrected Extended Day Forms

It has come to our attention that the font on the 2022-2023 Extended Day Forms is printing very small (when using the “fillable” option).  As such, please either hand-write the information or use the forms below instead when signing up for next year’s Extended Day program.

Extended Day Emergency Contact Information 2022-2023

Extended Day Registration Form 2022-2023

As a reminder, families using the Extended Day program must complete new forms each year.

Reminder: Catholic Schools Week

We are excited to celebrate our school community this week during National Catholic Schools Week!  Here are some of the important highlights for parents to keep in mind:

Special Attire Days

Friday, February 4: Blue & Gold/SJS Spiritwear Dress Down Day
Students dress in school colors (Blue & Gold/Yellow) or any SJS Spiritwear item.  This is a full dress down day (uniform bottoms are not required)

Catholic Schools Week Collections

All week Saint James School will be collecting gently used coats for Button Up Connecticut as well as specially requested items for the MACC food pantry:

Pre-Kindergarten – Liquid Body Soap (Pump) or Tissues

Kindergarten – Liquid Body Soap (Pump) or Tissues

Grade 1 – Dish Detergent

Grade 2 – Toilet Paper

Grade 3 – Paper Towels

Grade 4 – Shaving Cream

Grade 5 – Shampoo

Grade 6 – Multi-Cleaner Spray

Grade 7 – Mayonnaise

Grade 8 – Jelly (any flavor)


STEM Club is Full

Please note that Grade 2 STEM Club is full.

Registration for Fall 2022

Returning family registration for the 2022-2023 school year was sent out earlier today.  All Pre-K3 through Grade 7 parents should have received an email with paperwork and instructions.  Please note that paperwork is due back by Thursday, February 17th to secure your child(ren)’s spot(s) for next year.  After February 17th, we will begin accepting/registering new families for the 2022-2023 school year.

If you have any additional children who will be joining us at Saint James School for the first time in the Fall of 2022, please add them to your registration form and reach out to Amy Guenther ( to discuss our other New Student requirements.

If you do not see the Returning Family Registration email, please reach out to Amy Guenther.  Hard copies of all the paperwork will also be available in the main office (please call or email Mrs. Sager to have one sent home with your student if needed).

Reminder: Tie Dye & Tutu Day Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 2-2-22), students can wear their favorite Tutu to school in celebration of international Tutu day.  If wearing a tutu isn’t of interest to your student, this will also be a Tie Dye dress down day.

Please note, this dress down day only applies if your student is wearing Tie Dye and/or a Tutu.  If your student does not wish to participate (or does not have either of these items to wear) they should be in regular uniform tomorrow.

2nd Grade STEM Club

A STEM Club session will be held after school on Monday, February 7 for students in 2nd grade.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Permission Form below.  There are a limited number of spaces so students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

STEM Club Permission Slip, 020722, 2nd Grade

Reminder For Bus Families

Manchester public schools has just implemented early dismissal for their elementary students on Wednesday afternoons (for the remainder of this school year), which unfortunately impacts our bus service here at SJS (on Wednesday afternoons only).

Due to the conflict, we will have limited buses available to take our SJS students home from school on Wednesdays, which means more students on each bus and longer routes.

At any point, should you prefer to pick your student(s) up on Wednesday afternoons (instead of having them take the bus) please email their homeroom teacher.

February Newsletter & Calendars

Please find below the February Saber Stories Newsletter, Calendar, and Hot Lunch Menu.

Saber Stories FEBRUARY 2022

Updated Calendar February 2022

Saint James Lunch Menu February

Reminder: Crazy Sock Day Tomorrow

As a reminder – as part of our fun Catholic School’s Week celebrations – students may wear CRAZY Socks to school tomorrow (Tuesday, February 1st).  Socks should be worn with their regular Tuesday uniform attire (students wearing pants are welcome to tuck their pants legs into their socks so that we may all enjoy their crazy sock selection).

Instrumental Music Note

Please note that Band for grades 5-8 will be held tomorrow (Tuesday, February 1st) instead of Wednesday this week.