A Message from Mrs. Zorger

Dear families,

The staff and administration of Saint James School are heartbroken over another act of senseless violence in our country.  The tragic and horrific events that occurred at Robb Elementary School in Texas yesterday will forever change the lives of countless families, serving as yet another reminder that we must always be vigilant about the mental and emotional well-being of those around us.

Today our teachers once again came to school prepared to address comments or concerns that may arise from students in an age appropriate way.   I remain convinced that providing today’s youth with a compassionate, faith-filled education is just one step to a better world for the next generation.

Providing a safe environment for our students has always been, and continues to be, our number one priority.  While we of course have many well-thought procedures in place to protect the children in our care here at Saint James School, these unthinkable tragedies remind us that our children are growing up in a different world than we did.

Please pray that one day our children and their peers across the globe will not have to worry about being safe in the most sacred of environments.

Peace in Christ,
Mrs. Zorger

7th Graders Enjoy Faith-Filled Retreat

Upcoming Online Safety Webinars

The CT Children’s Alliance is hosting two FREE online safety webinars that we encourage our parents/guardians to consider:

Student Presentation (For Ages 12+)
DATE: May 26th @6pm EST

Middle school students are into technology just as much, and in a lot of cases more, as any other age group. The problem is, middle school age students may not be thinking about safety at all. Whether it is sharing too much information with a stranger on a game app/site, cyberbullying others, sending pictures that may not be appropriate or posting images or comments online, they need to be aware of how doing these things can hurt them, either now or in the future.

Topics covered will be:
*Social Networking, how and why do they use them, safety concerns, etc.
*Cyber Bullying , how to protect themselves and others
*Texting Pictures, potential dangers that go along with this behavior
*Text messaging/Online gaming concerns
*Creating their “Digital Footprint”
*How technology can help or hurt them, not only currently but in their future

You can register for this online presentation HERE.


Parent Presentation Overview
DATE: June 6th @6pm EST

In today’s ever growing technological world, new trends and programs are developed to improve our lives. With this constant surge of new information and programs available, communication and the world is a click or text away. But with all these new advances, come new dangers and concerns. Parents need to be aware of the technology their children are using and the trouble that can follow if safety rules are not in place.

Topics covered will be:

*Today’s current apps and programs
*Cyber bullying
*Social Networking, positives and negatives
*How to protect kids from becoming victims
*How their families create “digital footprints”
*Tips for parents to keep their families safe

You can register for this online presentation HERE.

Reminder for Beginning Band Families

Beginning band will be held on Tuesday this week instead of Thursday

Lunch Calendar Change

Please note that Monday and Wednesday’s hot lunch items are being swapped – Monday will be the chicken patty and corn and the cheese bites will be offered on Wednesday.

Spelling Bee Congratulations!

SJS 2022 Annual Fund Campaign

Save the Date: SJS Foundation Golf Event

The 28th Annual Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner which will be held on Wednesday, September 7th at Manchester Country Club.

The Saint James School Foundation is a privately run endowment fund providing over $100,000 each year to Saint James School in support of our financial aid program, ongoing technology upgrades, and our school’s Margin of Excellence programs. Last year, the foundation donated over $150,000 to Saint James School!  Each year, the Foundation holds a golf tournament and dinner in support of their mission.

This annual event is a lot of fun with a great mixture of current SJS parents, former SJS parents, SJS alumni, and school/parish staff.

HSA Meeting Tonight

The Saint James School HSA (Home & School Association) will hold their monthly meeting this evening – Thursday, 5/19 –  from 7:00-8:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  This will be the final meeting of the school year – we encourage all of our SJS parents/grandparents to attend to help brainstorm for next year (ring the breezeway buzzer when you arrive).

Updated 2022-2023 School Year Calendar

Attached is the updated 2022-2023 year-at-a-glance calendar reflecting the two Diocean-wide no school/professional development days of October 6th and March 24th.  Please be sure you save this updated copy.  Our website and SJS App calendar will also be updated to reflect next year’s schedule in the weeks ahead.

2022-2023 One Page Calendar (rev 5-19-22)