Cherrydale Fundraiser Ends Tomorrow

This Friday, September 23rd – is the last day for Cherrydale Fundraiser orders to be placed, as well as our final “”Goatz” ticket turn-in day.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated – your support makes a difference!

Reminder: Volunteers Needed–Scholastic Book Fair

The HSA will be hosting the annual Scholastic Book Fair the week of October 3rd.  The book fair will be open for students to shop during the school day, with extended hours for parents to shop before/after school hours. Proceeds from the book fair (up to 50% of your purchase!!) go towards funding new books and equipment for the classrooms and the school library.

Volunteers are needed to help set-up/clean-up the book fair and to work at the fair by helping students make selections and serving as cashiers.  Please note that in order to volunteer you must have completed the VIRTUS training and completed a Background Check.  If you are able to help, please click HERE to access the Volunteer Sign Up.  Any questions can be directed to event chair/parent volunteer Alicia Poth (

Any time you can give would be appreciated to help us make this year’s book fair a huge success.  Thank you!

IMPORTANT: Class Pictures Tomorrow Wednesday (9/21)

As a reminder, class pictures will be taken TOMORROW – Wednesday (9/21).  All K-8 students need to be in their formal/winter Saint James School uniform for class pictures.

K-5 Girls: Uniform Skort,  Uniform polo, NAVY knee socks or tights

K-5 Boys: Uniform Khaki PANTS, Uniform polo, socks (navy, black, or tan)

6-8 Girls: Uniform Skort, Uniform oxford, NAVY knee socks or tights

6-8 Boys: Uniform Khaki PANTS, Uniform oxford, tie,  socks (navy, black, or tan)

*note: white socks are only a “fall/spring” uniform option

Reminder:  Acceptable Uniform Shoes must be worn (click to view)

Centennial Kickoff Weekend A Success

What a wonderful weekend celebrating 100 years of Saint James School!  To read the summary article about this weekend that was sent out earlier today, and view the picture galleries, please click HERE.

SJS would also like to thank Mrs. Freund, Mrs. Vassallo, and Mr. & Mrs. Vignati for cleaning up the flower beds around to the school at the end of August to get them back in tip-top shape for this year!

It’s Almost Time!

MAP Assessments This Week

Please note that students in Grades 3 – 8 will take the preliminary MAP assessments on Tuesday – Thursday of this week.   You may reference information about the MAP assessments HERE, in case you missed it in a prior email.

Morning Bus Route Time Change

For students that take the school bus TO school in the mornings:

The town has notified us that morning stops will be 20 minutes EARLIER beginning Monday (9/19).  Unfortunately, the buses are having trouble getting to their next route and need to adjust our schedule accordingly since we are the first pickup each day.

This change impacts:

Bus 27, 28, 29, and 31

Bus 32’s morning schedule will not change at this time.

Afternoon bus stop times will remain the same.

Individual Portraits – Monday (9/19)

As a reminder, individual student portraits will be taken this coming Monday, September 19th.  This is a dress down (or dress up!) day – please send your student to school on Monday in whatever attire you would like them to have their school picture taken in (must adhere to the dress down guidelines on page number 11 in the school school Handbook 2022-2023 Parent Student Handbook).

To order school pictures this year:

1) Send your picture order form (coming home with students this week) in to school with your child on Monday, or

2) Go ONLINE to and to set up your picture order (this must be done by Sunday evening).  Please use picture id: EVT7ZZ37T

With Lifetouch Pictures, your child’s school portrait can also be used to create fun photo gifts via Shutterfly.  Please make these purchases using this link and 8% of the sale price will be donated back to Saint James School!  (This link can be used to support SJS on ALL purchases through Shutterfly, not just school-picture related gifts).

Please note all students photographed will receive a FREE class picture from Lifetouch.

Cherrydale Ticket Turn-In Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our second Cherrydale GOATz ticket turn in day!  If your child has completed any additional tickets since last week, please send them in to school with your child tomorrow.  There will be one more “turn-in” day on Friday, September 23rd (which is also the last day for orders).

Fall Festival Just 2 Days Away!!

Only 2 days left until the Fall Festival, which will help kick off our school’s Centennial celebration.  We hope that your family will join us for this day of fun, food, games and friendship! Here is everything you need to know for Saturday:

What:   SJS Fall Festival

When: Saturday, September 17

Time:  11am to 2pm (drop in anytime!)

Where: Saint James School

Parking:  Park in the Saint James Church lot or on the street (legally). There will be NO PARKING in the school parking lots that day.

Admission:  Adults are free. Children 16 and under must have an SJS Centennial wristband. These will be available for purchase at the Fall Fest if you have not already done so.

Most of the activities/games at the Fall Festival are included in admission. However, the following are additional and CASH only:

Dunk Tank ($5 for five balls)

Pie Eating Contest ($5 per entry; winner of each “heat” qualifies for Championship round at 1:40pm and chance to win a prize)

Kona Ice Truck

Highland Park Market Booth

SJS Concessions Table

Grade/Class Activity: If you haven’t already done so and are able, please sign your family up for one of the shifts on the Sign-Up Sheet Here. If your child’s grade is full, please consider volunteering for the Dunk Tank, Inflatables Area or Concession Table (details below):

We are still looking for adults to volunteer (30-minute shifts) for the following booths:

Dunk Tank: Collect $5 for 5 balls for each participant.
If you would like to sign-up to be “dunked” in the Dunk Tank (all for a good cause), please click here.

Inflatables Area: Supervise children on slide and obstacle course

Concession Table: SJS will be selling snacks and beverages for $1 each. Collect money. This can be done with your children, but the adults need to handle the money.