Morning Arrival (and Dismissal) Reminders

Thank you to all of our families for your assistance in ensuring a smooth and safe morning arrival (and afternoon dismissal).  We appreciate the extra caution and adherence to our polices so that everyone has a great start (and end) to their school day!

A couple of reminders from the school office and from our crossing guards:

*Please remember our Drop & Go area is for students that are fully ready to quickly hop out of the car.  If your student needs a few extra minutes, needs to grab items from the trunk, or needs parent assistance, please pull down past the Pre-K building or on Otis Street to park.

* If, at any time, your child needs assistance getting to their classroom in the morning after we open the breezeway doors at 7:30am, please ask a school staff member to assist.  We do not allow anyone outside of school staff in the hallways during school hours unless they have checked in at the SJS main office and have received a visitor badge (which must be visibly worn on clothing).

* Breezeway doors close when the 7:50am bell rings.  K-8 students arriving after 7:50am must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to the SJS main office to be signed in.

* Always have your child exit the car onto the sidewalk – never exit them into the road.

* Always cross at the cross walk and with the crossing guards during arrival and dismissal – do not dart across the street with your child!

* Please remember that cars should never stop ON (or too close to) a crosswalk;

* And, lastly, please walk in front of the crossing guards (not behind) for safety reasons.

Please be sure to share this information with anyone that drops off or picks up your child.

Thank you again!

CHET Dream Big Scholarship

For anyone interested, below is a scholarship opportunity from CHET – The Connecticut Higher Education Trust 529 College Savings Program.

CHET Dream Big Scholarship Info

12:05pm Dismissal Tomorrow (Tuesday)

As a reminder, tomorrow (Tuesday, September 27th) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Aftercare WILL be in session, however all students going to aftercare tomorrow will need a lunch from home (no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days).

Book Fair Volunteers STILL NEEDED!

Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who have signed up to help at the Book Fair.  We are still in need of additional volunteers, specifically on Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  If you are able to help, please click HERE to access the Volunteer Sign Up.  Any questions can be directed to event chair/parent volunteer Alicia Poth (  Thank you!


Tonight: Online Safety Presentation (for Parents)

Saint James School parents are strongly encouraged to attend this free, virtual Internet/Online/Social Media Safety Presentation from Internet Safety Concepts.  Students in grades 6 – 8 attended an age-appropriate presentation on this topic today during school hours.  If you missed the letter from Mrs. Zorger that was sent out last week, you can read it here: Letter from Mrs Zorger

When: Monday, September 26th  | 6:30-8:00pm
Location: Virtual Zoom event
Speaker: Scott Driscoll, Internet Safety Concepts

Link to Webinar:

Passcode: 349428
Webinar ID: 843 6157 2318
Passcode: 349428

Join us for a FREE workshop about Social Media and Internet Safety to gain better insight into the technology and applications your children may use.

With the constant surge of new information, programs, and apps, the world is a click or text away. But with new advances come new dangers and concerns. Parents need to be aware of the technology their children use and the trouble that can follow if safety rules are not in place.  Most apps can be used in fun, positive ways – but not all programs are appropriate for all ages.  This presentation will show parents the positives and potential pitfalls of today’s most popular programs.

This presentation is for PARENTS ONLY.


8th Graders Visit East Catholic

Today our 8th grade students spent the day visiting East Catholic High School.  ECHS Admissions Director (and SJS Alum!) Chad Malone sent us this great picture of all our 8th graders in the East Gymnasium with their 9th – 12th grade SJS alumni.

We encourage all parents with a student in our 7th & 8th grade to attend the ECHS Open House event on Thursday, October 6th at 6:30pm to learn about the many benefits of continuing your child’s education at our local Catholic High School.  You can register for the Open House event HERE.


Lost & Found

We have a pencil case, glasses, and a bracelet in the main office that are waiting to be claimed.  If they belong to your family please let Mrs. Sager know.

Parish Picnic This Sunday!

As a reminder, the Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish Picnic will be held this coming Sunday at St. Bartholomew Church from 12:00pm – 4:00pm.  The picnic will immediately follow the 11:00am Mass, which will be held at St. Bartholomew Church.  In light of the picnic, Mass times have been changed for this weekend, please be sure to watch the informational video below for all the details.  We hope to see you there!!

Welcome – New Pre-K Aide

Saint James School is pleased to welcome Mrs. Andrea Rataic to the role of Teacher’s Aide in our Pre-Kindergarten 4-year-old program, taking over for Mrs. LaChance.

Mrs. Rataic has been a member of the Saint James School parent community for many years, joining us when her son Nick (now in middle school) entered our Pre-K program.  She has been working as a substitute teacher at the K-8 school and is excited to be working with our youngest learners.


Letter from Mrs. Zorger

Please click on the link below to read an important letter from Mrs. Zorger:

Letter from Mrs Zorger