1st Grade Celebrates Arbor Day

Ms. Labowski’s 1st Graders celebrated Arbor Day on Friday by planting a tree and writing about it in their journals.  Students had been learning about the importance of seeds and trees as part of their science lessons last week.

Board Game Club (Grades 1 – 3)

The last Board Game Club of the year will be held on Tuesday, May 8th.  This session will be for students in grades 1 – 3.  Please follow This Link to sign your child/ren up to attend.

Attention Grade 8 Parents

All 8th Grade students have received a notice regarding graduation and pre-graduation activities.  Please make sure you check with your 8th grader for this important information if they have not passed it along to you already.

No SJS Soccer Practice Tonight

Due to the weather and condition of the fields, there will be no SJS soccer practice this evening.

Admin Professionals Day

Today we celebrated our awesome front desk secretary, Mrs. Sager, for administrative professionals’ day with songs, gifts, flowers, and cards.  Thank you to Mrs. Panciera and Mrs. Zorger for snapping these impromptu pictures of the kids dropping off gifts from the classrooms.

SJS Foundation Golf Event – Tee Signs

The Saint James School Foundation golf event is fast approaching.  If you would like to order a Tee Sign, please see use THIS LINK.  The deadline to order is May 2nd.



State Spelling Bee Winners!

A Huge Congratulations to our two Saint James School students who had advanced to the State Spelling Bee competition (which was held this past weekend):

** 6th grader Isabel T. took 1st place in the state competition for the 6th grade category!

** 5th grader Christian T. took 2nd place/runner up in the state competition for the 5th grade category!

Both Isabel and Christian had previously taken 1st place in the Regional Spelling Bee competition back in March and were competing against other regional winners in Connecticut.



Last Call: Soccer Spirit Gear – Due Tomorrow!

Below is the order form for 2018 Soccer Spirit Wear.  Please note orders are due tomorrow – Tuesday, April 24th.

2018 SJS Soccer Spirit Wear


Yard Goats Game

Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the Yard Goats game yesterday!  We had over 150 tickets sold – a great turnout and a beautiful day to watch baseball!!  Special thanks to Mrs. Post for putting this great event together for our school!  Special thanks to Mrs. Clements for this video and to Mrs. Harley for the picture!!



Book & Art Club – May 9

The next book and art club for students in grades 1 – 3 will be held on May 9th.  Below the permission slip for students wishing to attend.

Book Art Club Permission Slip May 9