1st Communion Congratulations!

Special Spring Thank Yous

Saint James School would like to send a special Thank You to the Saint James Parishioner who purchased and planted the beautiful flowers in front of our school signs!  What a beautiful site to see each morning when we enter our school!

Also a special Thank You to the SJS 1st Grade Daisy troop and their troop leaders for planting flowers and spreading mulch in our school’s Pre-Kindergartern area to earn their “Make the World A Better Place” petal.  The Daisy’s also planted a flowers with a special message for each SJS staff members to take home.  Thank you ladies!

International Day 2018

Box Tops Winners

The winner from yesterday’s Box Top count is 5th grade!  The teachers will let students know when the dress down day will be.

The students counted over 3,400 Box Tops yesterday, which is over $340 for our school!  Our total raised for Box Tops for the 2017-2018 school year is $1567.00!!

A huge Thank You to all our parents for their participation again this year and helping us raise money for our school!  A special thank you to Mrs. Dufresne for coordinating the Box Tops program for our school!

Please continue to save Box Tops For Education as we will be counting again for a free dress down day in the fall.

Instrumental Music Notice

Due to a field trip on Friday, May 4th, Mr. Corcoran will hold lessons and band tomorrow (Tuesday, May 1st) for grades 6-8.

Spring Uniform Begins Tomorrow!

As a reminder, students may begin wearing their warm weather uniform items (uniform shorts and uniform polo shirt) beginning tomorrow – Tuesday, May 1st.  Middle school parents, please remember if your child is wearing the uniform shorts, they must wear the uniform polo with it (they cannot wear the shirt and tie with shorts).

SJS Students Win Drug Awareness Contest

Congratulations to our 3rd grade students who took 1st – 4th place in the local Elks Club Drug Awareness Poster Contest.

First Place – Lauren N.
Second Place – Bennett
Third Place – Lauren W.
Fourth Place – Natalie

In addition, congratulations to Saint James School student Kaitlyn N. won the 7th Grade Essay contest.

Great job Sabers!!


1st Grade Celebrates Arbor Day

Ms. Labowski’s 1st Graders celebrated Arbor Day on Friday by planting a tree and writing about it in their journals.  Students had been learning about the importance of seeds and trees as part of their science lessons last week.

Board Game Club (Grades 1 – 3)

The last Board Game Club of the year will be held on Tuesday, May 8th.  This session will be for students in grades 1 – 3.  Please follow This Link to sign your child/ren up to attend.

Attention Grade 8 Parents

All 8th Grade students have received a notice regarding graduation and pre-graduation activities.  Please make sure you check with your 8th grader for this important information if they have not passed it along to you already.