SJS Soccer Games Moved to Star Hill Again This Saturday

Due to the anticipated cold, rainy weather moving in for Saturday, all SJS Soccer games will be moved indoors to Star Hill again this weekend.  Star Hill is located at 100 Gerber Dr. Tolland, Ct. 06084  Phone: 860-871-8800

Saturday, May 19

SH-Black: First field next to entrance
SH-Navy: Field above and to left of Black Field
SH-Maroon: Field above and to right of Black Field

08:00am SHill-Maroon St. James-Blue vs Cornerstone-Blue
12:30pm SHill-Black    St. James-Cobalt vs St. Paul-Gold
02:00pm SHill-Black    St. James-Gold vs Corpus Christi-Blue

11:00am  SHill-Navy     SJPll-Blue vs St. St. James-White (Sargent)
11:45am  SHill-Navy     St. Paul-White vs St. James-White (Sargent)
12:30pm SHill-Maroon Corpus Christi vs St. James-Pearl (Thomas)
01:15pm SHill-Maroon St. James-Pearl vs St. Bernard (Sargent)

Advanced Band Plays at the Arbors

Today, the Saint James School Advanced Band visited The Arbors retirement community in Manchester to play for the residents. Many thanks to Mr. Corcoran and the Arbors for giving our students this great opportunity to give back to the community.  Also, thank you to Mrs. Leger for the pictures!

May Crowning/Rosary/Pastor Appreciation

Last Book & Art Club Session

Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Sabatella will host the final book & art club session of the school year on May 30th.  If your child is interested in participating, please return the RSVP form to the office by this Friday.

Book Art Club Permission Slip May 30

Last Night’s Banquet

Thank you to all our parents for coming out for the banquet last night despite the wild weather!  Here are a few pictures we were able to capture of our students with their coaches:



Special Morning Drop-off

A huge Thank You to the Manchester Police Department for donating “a ride to school in a police car” to our 2018 SJS Gala.   This morning, the winning family – 2nd Grader Samantha R. and her parents – cashed in on their prize.  Not only did Samantha and her parents arrive at the school in a police car, but they got to see the police station, sit in on a briefing, and stop by Starbucks for hot chocolate before coming to school.  She also got a special bag of gifts that included a 9/11 angel pin.   We are very grateful to the MPD for donating this special morning and to officer Bernie Hallums for going above and beyond to make it a very special memory for our winning family!



Instrumental Music Notices

Mr. Corcoran would like to remind students that permission slips for the band field trip are due Thursday. The office has extras if someone needs one.  Also, please note, this Thursday –  May 17 – all students will have lessons and band (grades 4-8).

Dot and Dash Robots

Our elementary students are having so much fun working with the new Dot and Dash Robots. Using a simple coding program on the school’s iPads, students are learning to program these little blue robots to perform a huge variety of commands. Here are some pictures we snapped today of Mrs. Moran’s 3rd graders working in pairs with their new robotic friends.


Sports Banquet Tickets

Thank you to everyone who signed up for the SJS Sports Banquet being held tomorrow evening (Tuesday).  This is always a fun event and we look forward to recognizing our student athletes.  Please note, each Family’s Banquet Admission Tickets will be sent home with your student athlete this afternoon.  Please bring the ticket with you to the banquet.

3rd Gr. Career Speaker – Architect