Field Day 2018

State Reports & Presentations

Lunch Tomorrow

As a reminder, hot lunch tomorrow will be pizza (instead of the pasta and meatballs listed on the hot lunch menu).  Students will have a choice of buffalo chicken, pepperoni, or cheese pizza.

School Bus Clarification

There may be some confusion as to what was printed in the recent Saber Stories about school bus transportation that we wanted to clear up:

1) If your child currently utilizes the school bus to and from home and you are still at the same address, you DO NOT need to do anything for the 2018-2019 school year.  Mrs. Sager will automatically request for your child to be added to the bus.

2) If your child will be getting picked up at one location (your house) and dropped of at a different location in Manchester at the end of the day (daycare, gramma’s house, etc.) you must complete a special form.  This form is ONLY needed for students using the bus that are picked up by the bus and dropped off by the bus in different locations.  The link for the form and information can be found HERE.  (we realize the form still says 2017 and have asked the town to update it.  For now, please cross off 2017 and write 2018 when you fill out the form).

3) If you have a new student coming into the school and would like to ensure bus transportation is set up (or have other bus-related questions) please contact Mrs. Sager at 860-643-5088.

Thank you!


WSJ Article – “The Catholic School Difference”

Here is an article from the Fordham Institute regarding the research and findings

June 2018: Last week, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal – called “The Catholic School Difference” – discussing a study about the lasting, positive benefits of structure and self-discipline in our Nation’s Catholic schools.  Here are some of the key items that came away from the study and are noted in the article:

First: “Schools that value and focus on self discipline will likely do a better job of fostering it in children.” If other schools “took self discipline as seriously as Catholic schools do, they wouldn’t have to spend as much time, energy and political capital on penalizing students” for bad behavior.

Second: “Assuming that these results reflect a ‘Catholic Schools Effect,’ other schools might consider both explicit and implicit methods to replicate it.” The report notes that some “no excuses” charter schools are already doing this, through the curriculum or the way students interact with adults and teachers who model self-discipline themselves.

Third: “Don’t underestimate the power of religion to positively influence a child’s behavior.” Religion isn’t the only way to foster self-discipline, the authors emphasize, but it’s effective compared to most of the alternatives in channeling youthful energy into productive self-control.  Here is a scan of the Wall Street Journal article



Reminder: End of Year Dance Party!!


Friday, June 15th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the Saint James School Gymnasium


Please click HERE to RSVP

Questions can be directed to the event chair, Jodi Talaga, at

More Coding Robot Fun

Here are a few more pictures, sent in by the teachers, of the 1st and 2nd grade kids working with the coding robots:


5th Grade Board Game Project

Chromebook Return Reminder

Chromebooks will be collected from the 6th grade students tomorrow (Thursday, 6/14) and from the 7th grade students on Friday (6/15).  Please make sure students bring their Chromebook AND power cable to school on the scheduled collection day.  Covers should be removed from the Chromebook before they turn it in.

Instrumental Music Lessons

Instrumental music lessons for students in grades 4-7 will continue through Friday, June 15th.