Have a GREAT Summer!
As another year of learning comes to a close we wish to Thank You again for choosing to be part of the Saint James School family, and for the various ways that each of you help make Saint James School such a special place! The past year has been filled with many great learning opportunities: chances for students to grow academically, spiritually, and socially. Friendships and wonderful, lifelong memories have been made not only for the students – but for the parents and staff as well!`
We wish everyone a healthy, relaxing Summer Vacation and look forward to see you back at Saint James School on August 30th (if you are not using the SJS Summer Program, that is)!
A couple of notes/reminders:
Summer Hours: The school office will be open M – F from 9:00am – 1:00pm.
Teacher Assignments: Class assignments will be e-mailed the week before school starts.
Soccer Uniforms: All soccer uniforms should have already been returned to the school or the coach.
Openings: We still have space available in some of our grades (including Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten) if you know anyone who is looking at school options for their child(ren).
Documents, Forms & Calendars: Documents, forms, and calendars will be available on our website under the DOCUMENTS & FORMS page (in the blue quick links section of the website). This includes:
2018-2019 K-5 School Supply List
2018-2019 Gr 6-8 School Supply List
2018-2019 SJS Athletics Health Form (form must be signed by child’s doctor and is required prior to participation in all SJS Sports)
Fall 2018 Cross Country (Informational letter from the Coach for students entering grades 5th – 8th)
Extended Day for 2018-2019: If you plan to use the Extended Day program for the 2018-2019 school year, both the documents below must be filled out completely and returned to Ms. Jean by August 1st. This applies to current families as well as new; NEW EXTENDED DAY FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED EACH YEAR. The Emergency Contact form cannot be scanned (we need the copy with your original signature on file). Please drop BOTH documents off to the school or mail them in to: Saint James School, Attention: Jean Burdick, 73 Park Street, Manchester CT 06040.
2018-2019 Extended Day Registration Form
2018-2019 Extended Day Emergency Contact Information (original, signed copy must be sent to school)
Middle School Summer Reading Assignments
Summer reading assignments for next year’s 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are being sent home in report cards. They can also be found below and will be posted on our website for future reference:
Entering 6th Grade Reading Assignment
Entering 7th Grade Reading Assignment
Entering 8th Grade Reading Assignment
Tomorrow Morning: Last Day Hooray! Coffee
The HSA is hosting a “Last Day Hooray” coffee hour for parents on the last day of school. Please join us outside the breezeway at morning drop-off on June 22 for some coffee and socializing as we wrap up another great school year. Whether you can stay for just a few minutes or an hour, we’d love to see you!
If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to review the attached letter from the Home & School Association: HSA Thank You Letter
Uniform Closet Reminder
If your child has outgrown their SJS uniform items, please remember to donate them to our school’s Uniform Closet. Uniform items in good condition may be brought to the main office now or throughout the summer.
Also, as a reminder, parents wishing to look through items in the uniform closet must call or stop by the main office first. Over the summer, please call in advance to make sure someone is around to let you in before stopping by.
Uniform Sales
Looking to get a jump on purchasing uniform items for next year? Dennis uniforms is currently offering 15% off your purchase + FREE SHIPPING on orders over $25 (in stores and online June 19th – 26th, 2018). Lands’ End is also offering discounts on uniform items with Promotion Code: PEACH, Pin: 3762. Both companies will be offering sales throughout the summer as well. If you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for e-mails from these two companies to stay on top of their sales promotions.
IOWA Results Sent Home Yesterday
Students in grades 3 – 7 were given their IOWA Standardized Testing Results to bring home yesterday (with the exception of Mrs. Wolpert’s class, which will come home today). If your child did not give you the envelope, please ask them for it. An explanation of each of the result pages is also included in what was sent home to help you understand the information. If you have any questions on the IOWA results, please contact your child’s teacher.
As a whole, our school had another stellar performance on this year’s standardized tests! While standardized testing is not something that we spend a lot of focus on, it does indicate that SJS students are learning and retaining information at a much higher level than in other schools. School-wide performance across the grades will be compiled over the summer and presented at the State of the School meeting next fall. Congratulations to our students and teachers on another exceptional year of academics and learning at Saint James School!
Report cards with final grades for the year will be sent home with students tomorrow (Friday).