Cross Country Calendar Updated
The Cross Country practice and meet schedule has again been updated again today: added a meet at Illing on 10/1, removed practice on 10/2, Added Practice on 10/4, Added Wickham Park Invitational (grades 6-8 only) for 10/6. To view a calendar for just Cross Country events, please click HERE.
If you are subscribed to the XC calendar, these changes will automatically update on your personal calendar.
Scholastic Book Fair Next Week
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be held at Saint James School all next week!! Approximately 50% of all sales go towards purchasing new books for our school library and classrooms!
Students will all have an opportunity to visit the book fair with their class to look at the books and make a “Wish List.” They will have a secondary opportunity to purchase the items on their wish list via the eWallet (click to open) or by bringing cash to school. Parents can also shop after school Monday (2:10pm – 2:45pm) and/or at the “Meet The Teachers” nights.
Our book fair is also available online by clicking HERE. Books ordered via the online site will be shipped to the school for free and delivered to your child’s classroom.
If you have any questions, please contact event chair/parent volunteer Heather Meyer at
New: Accreditation 2-Year Report
We are pleased to share more good news regarding our school! Last year marked two years since Saint James School completed our very successful ten-year re-accreditation through NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges).
When the accreditation process was over, our faculty and administration went right to work on addressing the recommendations given by the commission in preparation for the two-year report. These recommendations included additional curriculum mapping, the creation of consistent writing rubrics, more frequent professional learning opportunities for staff, and an expanded technology curriculum. (All action items were things suggested by our staff during the self-evaluation process).
Last Spring, the faculty and administration, with assistance from our former principal, Mrs. Kanute, worked diligently to complete the required two-year report, detailing how we have addressed these recommended items. Mrs. Zorger would like to share the exemplary letter we received back from the commission and express her gratitude to the entire Saint James community for consistently maintaining the highest of standard for our school. Our continued accolades from NEASC are possible because of the shared commitment between home and school to ensure the best Catholic education for our students.
Please take a read of the document below:
Picture Proofs & Retakes
Proofs from this week’s school pictures will be sent home the week of October 15th. Retakes will take place on October 24th.
Box Tops Winners
Congratulations to our third grade for winning the with first Box Tops competition of the year with 859 Box Tops! Our team counted counted 3,060 total Box Tops yesterday – which is $306 for our school. Plus, Box Tops sent us a $30.00 Box Top gift certificate (thank you to those entering the Box Tops contests online)! Box Tops will be counted again on October 30th for the next contest.
8th Grade Physics Speed Lab
Today our 8th grade students enjoyed a fun experiment as part of their lesson on velocity and the relationship between distance, speed, and time. Using Hot Wheels cars, a Hot Wheels track, a measuring tape, and their Chromebooks to clock the time, students used the formula of Speed = Distance/Time to explore and calculate the relationship between these 3 variables.
Reminder: Class Picture Day Tomorrow K – 8
Tomorrow – Thursday, September 13th – is class picture day which requires specific uniform attire (winter dress code):
Grades K-5 Girls: Uniform skort with uniform polo and Navy knee socks/tights (Please utilize Navy polo if possible)
Grades K-5 Boys: Uniform khaki pants with uniform polo (Navy polo if possible)
Grades 6-8 Girls: Uniform skort with uniform oxford and Navy knee socks/tights
Grade 6-8 Boys: Uniform khaki pants with blue uniform oxford and tie
2018 Scholastic Book Fair at SJS
Exciting News: Our Scholastic Book Fair will be held at Saint James School all next week!! The attached letter from Mrs. Zorger will be sent home tomorrow with a book fair flyer. You can also browse online HERE. Also, we are still in need of parent volunteers to help so please reach out to Mrs. Meyer ( even if you can only give a few hours!
Book Fair dates: MON. SEPT. 17TH – THURS. SEPT. 20TH
Student Shopping:
Monday 8am-2pm
Tues and Wed 8am-1pm
Thurs 8am – 11am
Family Shopping:
Monday 2:10-2:45pm &
Meet the Teachers Nights
Middle School Tues. 6pm – 8pm
Pre K-5th Grade Wed. 6pm – 8pm
Purchase Online: FRI. SEPT. 14TH to FRI. SEPT. 28TH
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for setup, shopping hours, Open House, and
cleanup. Visit our Book Fair homepage for signup information:
NEW digital payment option: eWallet! Now your student can shop the Fair
cash-free! Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and to create an account:
If you have any additional questions, please contact Heather Meyer at
Approximately 50% of sales from this event go towards purchasing new books for our library and classrooms!
School Pics Tomorrow Pre-K & Grades 4-8
Individual portraits will be taken tomorrow (Wednesday, September 12th) for students in Pre-Kindergarten and Grades 4-8. This is a DRESS DOWN (or dress-up!) day for these grades only. Students in Grades 4 – 8 should wear to school whatever you would like them to have their picture taken in. They will wear this all day. Please note the standard dress-down guidelines apply (please refer to the school handbook for questions).
There is no paperwork or money that you need to send in at this time. You will receive proofs of the pictures with ordering information (for if you wish to order) about 4 weeks after picture day.
To see the full picture schedule, click HERE
Students in Kindergarten – 3rd Grade should wear their regular Wednesday uniform tomorrow.