Yesterday’s Book & Art Club

Yesterday 3rd & 4th grade Book & Art Club participants watched a BrainPop and read a book about the history of Halloween.  Students made black cats & pumpkins out of model magic along with finger print spiders!  Special thanks to Mrs. Carpenter for the cute pictures below.





East Catholic Open House & Entrance Exam Reminder

East Catholic will hold an open house on Thursday, November 1, 2018.  Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with the program starting promptly at 7:00 p.m. During this night, families will have the opportunity to hear from the Head of School, meet the faculty, staff, and alumni, and explore the campus through student and parent led tours.

ECHS will host the required Entrance Exam that following Saturday, November 3rd at 8:30 a.m. with an additional date on November 17th at 8:30 a.m. Students who score highly on these exams are eligible for Merit Scholarships that stay with the student all four years at East Catholic.

Pre-registration for our Open House and Entrance Exam is not required, but is appreciated. If you would like to RSVP before the event, please visit:

6th Grade STREAM Class

State of the School

School Picture Make-Up Tomorrow

The make-up day for pictures is tomorrow – Wednesday 10/24:

1) If your child will get getting a re-take, they must bring the proof sheet back with them to school on Wednesday.

2) If your child was absent on individual portrait day, please write a note to the teacher saying the child was absent on the original picture day.

ONLY students having pictures taken on Wednesday may come to school in dress down.  All students that are not getting retakes need to be in school uniform on Wednesday.

Tonight: State of the School Presentation


Please join us this evening  – Tuesday, October 23rd – at 6:30pm in the school gym as Saint James School presents our 2018 State of the School Address. During this annual, informational meeting Mrs. Zorger will share information on how our school is performing in critical areas such as enrollment, finances, and academics as well as current major initiatives, upcoming initiatives, and more.  We encourage all SJS parents to come be part of this informative evening.

In addition, our guest speaker this year will be Nick Roy, a Certified Financial Planner, who will discuss benefits and strategies of using 529 savings plans for education.

Hope to see you there!

Tonight: Kids BINGO Night


Come one come all to the State of the School presentation on Tuesday, October 23rd!  Think you can’t because you need a babysitter?  The HSA has you covered!! We will host a fun time in the cafeteria for any SJS student while parents are at the presentation.  We plan to play BINGO (there will be prizes!), color, and play some fun word games.  A small snack will be served.  Parents can drop children off as early as 6:15 (please sign them in in the cafeteria) and pick them up at the conclusion of the presentation.  Please sign up by 10/19 using this link so we will have an estimate of how many kids to expect, but drop-ins are also welcome.  Please contact Kristen Miller at if you have any questions.

Spooky Fun in the Library

Spooky fun things are happening in the SJS library!  Today Mrs. Gangloff’s Kindergarten class listened to the story Bats in the Library and were so excited to decorate their own bat to bring home.  Thank you to Mrs. Carpenter for the cute pictures!  And, remember to keep reading!  The Fall Into Reading Contest for grades K – 6 ends November 5th!

Eastern Regional Band

Congratulations to all the band members from across the area who were selected to perform in the Eastern Regional Band Concert this past weekend at Saint James School! Below are the students from Saint James School who auditioned and were selected to perform as members of this special band.



Yesterday’s Ordination Mass

A huge thank you to the three SJS parents who helped facilitate transportation of students to and from the Cathedral of Saint Joseph yesterday (Thursday, October 18th) for the Ordination of The Most Reverend Juan Miguel Betancourt as the Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford.  The Ordination Mass is a very beautiful and unique ceremony  and Saint James School was honored to be a part of the celebration.  Pictured below is SJS Principal, Mrs. Zorger, with (l to r) 8th grade student Ben Post, 6th grade Michael Machewirth, and 4th grade student Ford King in the Cathedral.