Winter Uniform Begins Tomorrow

As a reminder, the SJS Winter Uniform begins TOMORROW Thursday, November 1st. This means K-8 students may no longer wear shorts to school, girls must wear tights or knee-high socks with their skorts, and Middle School boys must wear their SJS Uniform button-down shirt and a tie on non-gym days.

All 1st – 8th grade students should wear their regular (non-gym) uniform tomorrow as they will be attending Mass at 9:15am.

November Lunch Menu

The November lunch calendar has been added to the SJS website under the Quick Links section at the bottom.  A copy may also be accessed HERE.

Instrumental Music Notice

Please note, Mr. Corcoran has flipped the band days for Thursday and Friday of this week:  On Thursday Nov 1st he will teach grades 6-8 and on Friday grades 4&5.

Halloween Dress Down

Halloween $1.00 Dress Down Tomorrow

In keeping with the fun spirit of Halloween, students in K – 8 may pay $1.00 to come to school in dress down attire on Halloween (Wednesday, October 31st). Dress down attire should be black, orange, white and/or purple. NO masks, costumes (except K and Pre-K), painted faces, or colored hair.

Money collected will go towards the construction of a Prayer Garden on the grounds of Saint James School.

Dress Down Flyer – Halloween

Basketball this Evening

Basketball Tryouts for Monday, October 29:

Girl’s Basketball Tryouts:
4:15-5:30pm Grades 4, 5, 6
5:00-6:30pm Grades 7 & 8
(6th grade is welcome to stay until 6:30pm)

Boys Basketball Tryouts:
6:30-8:00pm Grades 7 & 8



Box Tops Due Tomorrow

Please remember to send Box Tops to school tomorrow with your child for the next Dress Down Contest.  Box Tops should be in a baggie labeled with the Teacher’s name.  We will be counting at 2:00pm tomorrow to determine the winner.

Candy Corn Spider Webs

Last week, 2nd graders painted Candy Corn Spiderwebs in the “style” of Dutch artist Piet Mondrian.  Special thanks to Mrs. Rafferty for the cute pictures.


Grandparents Day

Trunk or Treat Cancelled for Saturday

Due to the ugly forecast for Saturday, Trunk or Treat has been cancelled.